Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

I wonder if more leech or something would be appropriate. like 3% leech vs humanoids. (including players) I hate leech as a stat I just don’t know how they can improve the ability.

I still quite like it for bgs & wpvp.

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Well to touch of the grave is pretty undertuned, its averaging 2.8 hits on 370k+ hp pools on a 15 ICD. It really needs to be buffed up substantially. I think its better as just a 3% Hp Nuke and heal flat. Nothing to out of line.

I would think there is room to do a racial revamp on undead. Lore wise they are difficult to kill in battle. Garrosh wanted them as front line shock troops on gilneas invasion for example in the story just because of how tough they are.

Prob some room to work with there and maybe do away with WOTF in favor of something else and touch of the grave in a rework of both

I don’t think it has ever been particularly strong. I think at one point unholy DK’s could benefit from it as their mastery affected it’s damage or something.

But that’s about it? Just a useless flavour thing. nobody’s ever been saved by it’s healing. And to get killed by it would just be the worst of worst rng.

I agree.

I like the shadow resist. I think most races could do with an overhaul.

Maybe reduced bleed duration by 10%? We don’t exactly require our flesh in the first place. // Have any fluids. Or reduced disease duration or something. Some kind of “yeah that wouldn’t work on a corpse” rpg friendly thing. Maybe 10% duration on that kind of thing is too strong off the top but you get what I mean?

Yeah I don’t hate this idea. Just being more durable. If tauren have baseline stam maybe undead get baseline versa. Or flat mitigation even. kind of like the opposite of kul’tiran healing. or something.

like instead of straight leech, cannibalism is the equivalent of Kul’Tiran healing but for damage done? with a little cannibal buff. little baby hot.

Again I hate self healing but lol. Might as well make it thematic.

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I don’t disagree with the flower crown statement but I’m wearing this for a joke

When will be friends again

That list is clearly broken, I as a male kul tiran am clearly s++

this time on browser history revelations lists. two individuals who love virtual women (and men) make a teir list of the recent Videos they watched and what they liked

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yeah, but if it didn’t share cd with medallion it would be really good.

I wish racials were pve only tbh. :frowning:

Nonsense you want to play a grey dwarf with an awkward run cycle or a.grey Santa with glowing red eyes that skips

wrong i only watch “videos” of dva and widowmaker and women who used to be men

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we are friends friend

careful the general discussion forum will find you

it’s like dropping a glass in “a quiet place”

It’s horrible. They should change it or remove it. My monk pretty much has no racial as a human

Tu sei pazzo

Yeah I remember being 15 and posting there 16 years ago. When the old keyloggers would post about I AM THE RET and real sex leg

Love your new mog, Yoss.

2% tertiary gains are kinda clean. Also your racial as human female is that you look sick af at all times

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Im allowed to love virtual women (and men) whats your point.

I thought that it only affected secondaries.

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Ty queen loving urs too xoxo

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you have a salad on your head though?