Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

Yeah, I miss the old 2hspecial.

Travesty that fem nelf, draenei and goblin all get old racial animations and fem human doesn’t on slam

Tauren male oddly enough has the old 2hspecial on Mortal Strike.

I don’t like the modern twirly swing on my big meaty hit.

Same animation as slam. Makes me angry, let me glyph mortal strike with a glyph a glyph called racial heritage to use old animation on Ms

That’d be really nice.

I can see why you think that way, but counter point, Hamburgers shouldnt walk upright.


fem gnome and fem nelf are best races dont @ me

Hamburgers shouldn’t walk at all. :dracthyr_nervous_animated: I don’t care how rare you like them.

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Yet they do! They even have totems on their backs!

fixed it

Why would you put fem LFD down there smh remi. Pigtails making u a goofball

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jesus, that is brave (and wrong… actually, no) just no.

The whole thing is just bad.


worst one yet by far

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Fem gnome are an abomination

See now you’re talkin crazy.

Is everyone here taking crazy pills?

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anyone wearing flowers on their head is an abomination

fem gnome with freckles and orange pigtails is goated

You’re a male goblin making the Lenny face and I see a female nelf in warlock t3 wearing glasses.

No. 10 chars

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