Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

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The goodest boy

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Bring back pre-all-ten-nerfs Mana Tap

I figured it out, now I don’t know how to upload it, but as soon as I figure THAT out you’re in for a rude awakening!

Human racial kind of meh now too.
Its the best i can do at my trust level.


You’ll always be my favorite Kennie. Thank you for that.

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no reas this shouldn’t be 40% 2 minutes



Doesnt weeb mean I like anime?


Ok you better edit female human position or heads are gonna roll

this is just some tier list that you made on the spot

my tier list was made thousands of years ago and was decided upon by the wisest sages in the land, buddha even helped with it at one point and got female vulpera moved from A tier to S tier

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These are just words!

My tier list is unbeatable and undeniable.

and why is that?

Fem human top dog

Goofy yawn and they run like a plank of wood.

Otherwise great, though.

You don’t get an opinion you play vulpera

Kill all vulpera

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Well I never. :dracthyr_tea:

You’re talkin to my man all wrong.

But have you seen the 2h attack idle! mwah its like art.