It’s okay, blizzard. Everyone forgets things from time to time. No need to be embarrassed and wait for the next major patch or expansion. You can just make first blood baseline now in a hotfix. We won’t mind.
Cycle of hatred at the cost of not pressing blade dance is not fun. ITS. NOT. FUN. BLIZZ. SORT OUT THIS TALENT ROW. MAKE FIRST BLOOD BASELINE FOR $*(#$'S SAKE
is it baseline yet
Hai guys the girl in this video… Wants you to make First Blood baseline.
Breaking News! First Blood: Why isn’t it baseline yet?
Make first blood baseline please
Blizzard take note… make first blood baseline.
Make it baseline and add the dodge again while you’re at it :’)
just replying to show we need this YASS!!!
+1 here , make first blood baseline!
make first blood baseline please n thank you for my hero bros n sis’s
Can we just make Blade Dance cost 0 fury lol
Make it baseline
Blade Dance already does cost 0 fury… because w/o First Blood you don’t press the ability.
Reading a post from Hauggs, i got inspired and decided to think a way to make havoc fun and viable again without breaking it, hope some blizzard staff could check it and maybe they can considerate it
i havent thinked about numbers or anything, im more of a creative person lol
first of all numbers on chaos strike needs to be looked at.
Momentum needs to be gone, it is a talent that almost no one likes and like someone said in this forums, in higher mythics dung and raid u cant be dashing all around like a crazy guy 'cause positioning its a high priority.
Chaos strike and inmolation aura should have an interaction, having Inmolation active should make chaos strike do greater dmg (like that anima power from torghast but with animation), and chaos strike should proc an empowered version of inmolation aura wich does more dmg on activation
The legendary effect of erratic fel core should be part of the unbound chaos talent to make it more viable, specially in pvp where sometimes we need to keep healing reduction on a target
First blood should be baseline and dodge chance should be a thing again to improve survivability
Also there is a lot of unused potential on this “ability” that DHs have on the lore wich is Fel lance, i know it is used one rain from above but like i said before, i see a lot of potential, it could be a talent or a baseline ability, idk, where something like Inmolation, chaos or blade dance start proccing and givin stacks of fel lance and can be used like the flurry thingy from mages, that would make our kit synergize pretty good givings us kill potential on pvp, more dmg on pve outside meta and demonic window, a cool ability lore/fantasy friendly and with enough development and time it could make a fine 3rd spec
This are just some ideas and suggestions
Have a good one
Make FB and Demonic baseline!
MFBB Please Blizzard!
I’m in the bargaining phase of grievance lol. At least make the Fury cost reduction baseline.
hey guys I have a really good suggestion, I think we should be making first blood baselined, yea thanks for coming.