Make First Blood baseline.
Give back Bloodlet, without castrating it.
Looks like Blizz just decided to completely ignore 95% of Demon Hunter feedback. Disappointing.
those that can post in the beta dh post, start posting your first blood baseline blessings in there as well!
It’s two weeks before expansion launch. It’s not happening, lol
Hey we never know lol make blood baseline
Make first blood baseline
Gotta start selling Purple MFBB hats
Make first blood baseline please
It fills my heart with fel fire seeing all these cries to make first blood baseline
Make first blood baseline!
A remarkable level of ineptitude. Years and years of development for this game and it’s like they haven’t learned a damn thing. WoW.
They’ll remove first blood and put blade dance in its place at the reduced cost
Daily reminder to please make First Blood baseline.
I’m on board with anything that doesn’t make us lose the button…
If cycle of hatred + demonic appetite + relentless onslaught conduit ends up being BiS im just gonna delete my DH. Make First blood baseline and that row will feel interesting and less reroll-inducing.
Agreed. I too, miss Bloodlet.
I feel like the last talent row should alter the play-style of havoc like what with warriors had with gladiator stance.
Such as a play-style that alters it to be like a skirmish type build that just converts our abilities into ranged ones using ranged weapons.
A “Contain the Demon” type of play-style that places emphasis on your existing abilities disabling the use of metamorphosis and changing eye beam’s function into a different animation.
And just delete momentum altogether and make Fel Barrage baseline as well while we’re at it.
bump it pump it
Make First Blood Baseline!
I’m doing my part
Seems they still have managed to overlook making first blood baseline.
they dont read forums lol
that’s it!!! bump this up, this will be a first step to fix this class