Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

says that while i am standing here trying to cast a 2second seeds lol

I understand geometry just fine, which is why i dont have an issue with ranged classes and frontals because the closer you are to that point of origin, the less you have to move to avoid mechanic. If youre at 30 yard range and having to spend 3 GCDs to move out of the mechanic, thats a git gud issue becauss you could be 10’ yards away and spend .5 GCDs to avoid mechanic, all while still being the designates sacrifical lamb.

The problem is youre bad

You are twisting my words to get it your way and I won’t let you get your way, I never said it took 3 GCDs for me to move out of that particular boss cone. You are NOT fooling anyone TROLL, I said to press instant gate, place gate and click on gate when someone mentioned that I should use gate. I have never said I use this sequence to get out of shadow moon boss fight, I said as ranged it takes longer than melee since it is a cone shape. You are an ugly ugly troll, look into the mirror, ugly inside and out lmao. You are literally a stalker online, you are not welcomed in my posts, invite yourself OUT.

And you are worth the nice little blue flag on the bottom of your post

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We get it. Some bosses spew a cone and range have longer to travel. But there is usually a timer for when it cast to go off, which gives people plenty of time to move out of it, even without using any movement boost.

But this does not warrant for you to start with trolling the forums by throwing out insults and harassment.

Sometimes I like to cast pretty much on melee range to easily dodge cones.

That is ok, first of all idc, 2nd I will report right back, that person has been commenting on my post twisting things around and constantly just saying I’m bad, it is annoying and it is online bullying, it is not tolerable.

If you think there post is breaking the Forum Code of Conduct, then report it. But don’t expect, since I never seen or heard of anyone getting actioned for someone saying someone is bad. How ever, your post is in violation of the forum Code of Conduct, especially with the bottom 2 sentences.

Idc like I said, the environment of this forum, as soon as someone make a post with their opinion, a horde of players roaming on this site will start attacking, follow by a few forum police that play politics, it is invalidating the purpose of this forum, you are the living proof of it. So once again, idc.

If this forum decides that a person follow me around, twisting my words and constantly non stop attacking me is ok and I’m not allowed to fight back, I would be very disappointed and wouldn’t care about this place at all anymore. Legit don’t care, if ppl here give me the feeling of a cult.

I said: boss frontal is cone shaped, ranged dps has to run more distance.

Attackers: why don’t you use GATE, PORT (like if it is difficult for a warlock players to know these abilities)

Also attacker: omg you are so bad you can’t get out of the cone.

Attacker #3(the stalker): omg you are baiting mech you must be bad and a low dps that’s why the group wants you to bait

Attacker #4(the stalker again): omg you stood too far from the boss, you must be bad, all you needed to do is stand closer (in the middle of all the shadow runes that 2 shots you teehee)

Attacker #(nvm it is the same person that I called stalker twice already and still won’t leave me alone): omg you use THREE GCDs just to get out of that cone? You must be BAD

Forum police (random person wearing devil horns and defending the stalker): omg I’m gonna flag your post so you account gets actioned

Conclusion: this is proven pointless ppl here don’t want to discuss the possibilities of your opinion, they want to proof you wrong and you are just bad to think differently

Nor did i say you did. I was simply using a random number and used GCDs since you were discussing not being able to do damage because youre always running in my example.

In which i also gave you another solution that you were unable to come up with on your own: stand closer to the point of origin, while still being the furthest away, and now you move only a fraction longer than melee. Unless of course you dont understand geometry.

The level of hypocrisy that he puts out is on its own level haha. But i like how once he FINALLY realized he had lost the argument he started changing the conversation to be about SPriests. Tell me youre a sore loser without telling me youre a sore loser

I don’t need a LFR player to teach me anything and making fault accusations of me, your ill indented comments don’t matter, only thing you need to do is self reflection and go to the corner and get gud, before teaching anyone, get yourself to 1000 M+ rating first, come on bud you can do it I believe in you!

Range should be close to melee for cone frontals.

Even on a fight like sark where you need to bait bombs at range you have the time to avoid his cone.

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Smart locks will pre-cast the gate before the encounter starts.

Either way, most boss frontal cones can be out ranged or only target the tank.


Activate hotwheelz and zoom on out of there.

For that particular fight the boss attacks are random, if you stay too close there is a higher chance for it to spawn in melee, in some pug groups the lead or the tank, specifically ask any ranged player to stay far away to avoid it from happening. Result in us standing in the larger side of the cone, aka the point of my title. Just a thought.

congratulations, you just explained why it is a cone and not a line. The whole point of frontals is for you to be not in front of the boss in the first place. And if you are in front of the boss for some reason, time/distance it properly so you can get out of danger

You clearly never done the dungeon last season, the boss faces the tank and would turn a random direction to cast his abilities, why are you assuming I was standing in front of the boss?

Ah the irony in this is hilarious. You asked for my KSH, I showed you. If you happened to look, you’ll notice I’ve been over 2k for about a week now.

Stay mad and git gud sir

He doesn’t quite understand this part. He’ll go on a tirade of how he “needs to be the furthest player away”, and when you tell him you only need to be 1 yard further than the next person, he’ll start talking about Spriest instead.

Because it’s on par with how you explain how you play your characters

Wrong, on top of the random direction frontal cone, the boss room also has deadly randomly spawned runes that does dmg to a few yd radius, which is why we bait far, so none of the two gets in the melee group.

So stay at middle range, the bombs aoe isn’t large. You can easily stay at reasonable range that allows both proper baiting and avoidance of the cone.

Lmfao, soul burn is off the gcd and you can macro it with demonic gateway and use @cursor. Literally one gcd and the click on the gate. It’s not as difficult as you’re making it out to be