Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

The boss also will periodically cast the wall ability, we have to kill one of the mob to open a small gap, there is no room to stay mid range, at higher keys you touch any mech it will leave a dot that is unhealable

You are talking about the last boss of SBG. The frontal cone had an extremely long cast time. Additionally, the baiter is generally the healer or ranged DPS with good mobility.

I have never said I can’t get out of it, I have always been saying it takes longer to get out if it’s a cone instead of a line.

I think that’s how cones work.

Ofc, so my title suggests to change it to a line, rectangular rather.

Most cones can be outranged or only target the tank. Why are you talking about last season? What mechanic are you struggling to get out of this season

Why are you mix mashing multiple bosses mechanics like they are a single entity? I was talking about sark, and your bringing up nelth walls (I think lol?) and keys? Cmon now.

What? It’s the same boss and he does all three at the same time if they line up, if you don’t know the fight why argue?

Sark isn’t a mythic+ boss homie, and he also doesn’t build nelth walls lol

You know, if you remained 10 yards from the group, you’re plenty close enough to dodge the cone AND the tank can move the party, and you can move in concert and remain 10 yards to bait another rune, while minimalizing damage to the entire party…without being max distance away.

Crazy how that works. And i’ll reiterate: runes are a tank mechanic.

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He’s talking about the last boss from SBG, because I guess there’s no good example for this season.

From which part of my comments you got the conclusion that I was more than 10 yds away? Show me

Yeah I was wondering wtf he was going on about, he replied to my comment about Sarks frontal, so I figured he was just using LFR brain to rationalize it lol.

If you were 10 yards and not more, you wouldn’t have trouble getting out of the cone. Closer to cone means smaller. Farther from cone means larger.

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The part where you claim you’re always running and doing next to no dps.

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I have mentioned shadow moon multiple times, you clearly never done the dungeon when it was mythic plus, once again if you don’t know the whole argument why comment.

I have never said I did no dps because I’m running all the time. Twisting words, you are wrong.

I got a question. How much do you spend on carries?

There’s no shot anyone is inviting a 398 ilvl lock to +16/17s.

First, you responded to my post about Sarks cone, thus it obviously looks like you want to talk about sark.

Second, I farmed SBG for the trinket, as a good demo lock does.

Third, Nerzhuls frontal is super easy to avoid during the wall, since your baiting swords out in the back, you can simply outrange it very easily, you may lose like 2 seconds of uptime, but that’s fine.

End of your argument and it is time to attack I see, what a nice human being

The last boss from SBG does an aoe circle not a cone though, so what is he even on about?