Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

Most of the mechs are based on movements, you design the deadly frontals to be a cone, it means us ranged (bait) have to run way way too much and a Lonnnnger distance when we are already less mobile. Imagine being a destro, have to HARD CAST, slow running, and have to run 3x more distance than melee.

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If any Warlock didn’t pick this talent, then they are not a Warlock

In all seriousness, Warlocks are actually quite mobile. We have Burning Rush, Demonic Gateway and Demonic Teleport. Yes, Destro has to deal with being hard casters, but in all seriousness, Warlocks are quite mobile.


RDPS does have to move out of frontals, but also, sometimes frontals have to be baited, as you said, so they’re dropped in a convenient position for the group.


Why are you close enough to be hit by a boss frontal in the first place.


Good ol taco bell huh.
:dracthyr_yay_animated::taco: :hot_pepper:


As far as I know, every ranged has a speed boost. And if you have a druid, you also have Stampeding Roar.


the 360-cleave instant casts of yesteryear come to mind…

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I know this might not be obvious, but run faster.




LOL right? It’s not like with the old talent system, where you had to sacrifice another talent for it.


I do sort of miss the old talent tree’s, because it was simple, and I liked being lazy, but I do like this talent system more, because more options to pick from.

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I will never miss the old talent system. lol

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Obviously you pick this talent but it’s nothing compare to blink, roll, heroic leap etc etc that is a one button INSTANT distance.

For example, last boss in burial ground, we are REQUIRED to bait the dark rune ability AND the frontal CONE. Both of them have a large radius, we have to run A LOT, when melees just comfortably hugging the boss and all of them have attack on the move abilities.

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Yeah, but nothing can beat the talents from Vanilla to Wrath, where you could pick from any spec talents and really customize your build, despite some builds get hit with the fun detected hammer.

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You were saying.

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Tank better.

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Imagine hanging out way in the boonies to cast.

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You do know using the gate gives you a debuff so that you can’t use it again anytime soon right??? PLUS the gate is a CAST, or we use our CD to make it instant which requires TWO GCD and a click to get away???

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You move at like %170ish speed with the enchants. Keybind and run. It’s simple. You should never get hit unless someone is dumb enough to stand there and finish casting.

Also: gateways exist. I mean… c’mon now. Really?

Do you understand how this game works at all?

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