Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

Ranged players all have to stack melee in season 1, most of the fights, just because the game is trying to make you vegan dragons relevant.

You got KSM not KSH, 7 weeks after hitting level 70 with a FoTM reroll.

I got KSM with my Guardian Druid 8 days after hitting level 70 to prove a point.

I am simply saying you can do better

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I got KSH and all the dungeon ports after a long gap in the season, if you have eye issues check with your doc asap.

Stand closer to the boss so you don’t have to run as far

Easy fix

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I was asked to bait mech and had to stay in range so the rune and frontal doesn’t effect melees.

What rune?

Also they can just take 3 steps out as well

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Last boss in shadow moon.

Part of learning the fight and succeeding is knowing when and where boss attacks happen. After losing a few times, you learn. That’s just how video gaming has been since it was created. Gotta learn to overcome.

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Oh, the super slow cast thats incredibly easy to get out of regardless of what class you are

Yea, ranged dps can handle that


Oh ya, while you melees can just hug the boss and do dmg so comfortably when we are running around not able to cast as much as we want to. Good design.

Bro you are a melee

Also be weird if the tank wasn’t in melee

This is my alt that I don’t have time to play….

This is not season 1. And no, no one forced everyone into melee.

Literally wrong. I have zero issues healing ranged and melee.

LOL what? If you can’t dps and move out of that, it’s a you problem.

No, they’re a Destro Lock who doesn’t know how to use their abilities.

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Well there ya go then

Glad I could help you solve this problem

The voke dragon sure love to bluntly attack anyone on the internet while hiding behind keyboard, sounds like you chose the right class for yourself, lmao, is your hair blue?

If attacking other ppl online is the only way to make your Sunday feels better, keep going lmao

And yet you berated and belittled and insulted people in your other threads for not posting on their mains… :thinking:

Case in point: it’s okay for you to act like a jerk to people, but when others tell you bluntly how the game works, that’s bad and you turn back to your usual habits.


Or to have a fun game.

The growing issue I’m seeing is there is a lot of damage where there just isn’t a good, or any, visual connection as to where it’s coming from.

Learn to play is fine. Buy having to learn to play on Wowhead, not in the game, because the game isn’t clearly demonstrating what is happening, how, and why, it’s a problem.

Blue haired Voker, confirmed.

I have never had an issue seeing the cone effect in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds. Wowhead doesn’t need to teach me how to move.

What a nonsensical reply and just shows how easily offended you get by people telling you that you’re doing it wrong. Try using maturity, kiddo.