Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

Stand closer and make it the healer’s problem? :stuck_out_tongue:

Idk I only really like aff as rdps so :person_shrugging:

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Some group will ask the ranged dps to bait, everyone else stay melee.

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Guess what. You dont need to be at max range for that bait to work. 10 yards is plenty and even “slow run” is plenty to get you out of the way


Paladin uses hand of freedom to cancel it entirely.

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You can side step out of it. Theres no reason to walk in front of the mobs between me and mob to eat a frontal :slight_smile:

As one of those classes, quicker to run out then waste two GCD’s.

And the big thing is the tank and how much room they have due to other mechanics and packs.

And then there’s blow back abilities people are using as interrupts. Had run where an evoker loved to use it. They’d blow mobs back and they turn around and suddenly melee is taking frontals from multiple directions.

Ofc we can get out of the way, the issue is not survival the frontal, is pulling decent dps at the same time, guess what if I’m running most of the time and not casting I m not doing dps, I’m not melee or hunter that can dmg on the run.

Its 1 GCD for me. And sometimes running out is more annoying.

But they can’t DPS when they Burning Rush, and if they spend two seconds not DPSing they might die!

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Well, on a perfect flat plane with no packs or other mechanics or dance dance, sure that works.

With an already skittish tank trying to thread the needle between packs, not turning the mobs to begin with, and everyone having to move at the same time. It doesn’t matter, just a dice roll.

And these aren’t visually conveyed very well. So knowing what went wrong and why isn’t clear. So only a few learn slowly.

Learn how to play. Because many dps deal with this and there are literal guides to handhold you through how.

This is a you problem and no one is going to change the game for you. Adapt like many of us have.

Right i get what youre saying. But as your tank, it is my job to also help position mobs for you to deal with such mechanics as easily as possible (like sanguine in a full group of melee)

The issue I’m addressing is universal, season 1 is known to favor melees and the boss fight I’m referring to, comes from season 1. You are trying to minimize facts.

No. It isn’t. Because the rest of us are capable of moving out of things and doing dps just fine.

This is season 2.

… what does this even mean?

Weird. The ranged classes i have in my groups seem to do just fine with it. I dont say this much, but sounds like a git gud problem

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Because it is. lol

I got my KSH in the last 3 weeks of the season after a long break, I am simply saying we can do better.

This has nothing to do with anything.

There is no “we.” YOU need to learn how to play your class.

I know how to play my class, everything you guys suggested I’m already doing, im saying the mech is annoying.

Me getting KSH in 3 weeks has everything to do with your constant attacks of me now knowing my class.

No, you said the game needs to change, because you can’t do enough dps.

The mechanic is fine. The objective is to learn how to play well enough, not dumb down the game.

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