Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

Void rune/swirlies are irrelevant to talking about frontal cones.

Because they arent frontal cones

Ok. But I dont get anything reaction based or preplanning based.

And if you get both reaction and preplanning, it sounds like maybe some of preplanning should be removed for balance, eh?

I would trade port with blink any day. Plus they can blink and port back.

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Ok, but you need to lose out on burning rush and both portals.

Now also remember. Blink doesnt mean you wont blink into a ground based swirly or whatever. Which was the only reason given on why your portal was bad.

Ive seen mages kill themselves with blink quite often.



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Trust me I use everything including nitro boost, I donā€™t see how any warlock can play this game without nitro boost.

I also use void elf racial to cheese deadly boss walls.

I dont have portal or gate. I dont have any instant movement abilities. I dont have nitro boost. I dont have void elf racial.

I do fine.

When I die to not moving out of any AE, I can say its my fault.


LOL what? You canā€™t be serious. Between Burning Rush, two ways to port and speed enchants, you should have zero issues with movement.

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Donā€™t all specs have Gust of Wind?

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They have the option to take Gust of Wind. But I do not use it, because its not needed to avoid AE. Its not in any suggested build for resto shaman. You just sorta have toā€¦move.

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I love it, so I always take it. Was one of my favorite things from Legion I was excited they brought back. :smiley:

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But surely you have ghost wolf. They wouldnā€™t be so cruel as to send a shaman out into the world without ghost wolf, would they?

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Heā€™s talking instant movement like Gust and Blink n stuff.

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There is just so much I prefer otherwise. Esp now when I need to go down to poison cleansing totem somewhat reg.

Of course, but thats in the same ballpark as burning rush for avoiding aes.

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We have to stop and stand there to cast, loonnnnnngg hard cast, while the tank already kiting mobs away, lmao. In pugs. When I placed my rain of fire, stacking 4+ of them, the tank is required to move because of roots, our dps goes bye bye.

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May I introduce you to healing wave, chain heal, and healing rain cast times and ground placements?


Imagine properly positioning yourself to not be dead center of a frontal cone


Learn to read, Iā€™m specifically talking about boss fight that we are purposely bait boss mech so they use it on us ranged.

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So when you get targeted, you burning rush out.

Problem solved.

We are solving problems today.


Learn to play warlock. You place circle, you run away from circle, boss targets you because you baited mechanic properly, you teleport to circle in the clear. Rinse and repeat


Yes and using all the time we have running and not casting? Good idea.