Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

You do know those blinks, heroic leaps, etc. has a cooldown, right?


Why not just be a bit closer to the boss? Doesn’t have to be straight up melee range, but the closer you are, the less running you’ll have to do to get out of cone attacks.

Just because you’re ranged doesn’t mean you have to be 100 miles out in left field. :smiley:


Blink has two charges, on top of that they have complete immunity, if frost TWO complete immunities, or fire with cheat death PLUS a huge speed boost.

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When travelling through a demonic gate-way, there is immunity to everything as well.

On top of that, the Demonic Circle is a good instant teleport back, with only a short cooldown.


The warlock port requires you to predict the random direction or randomly spawned boss mech, can you tell exactly where it’s gonna come out so you set the port in the right position???

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Charges are already in a line. If frontals were also a line it would be redundant. You get long line and short line. Also frontals dont generally have that long of a range. Its more of a Tank/Melee mechanic. I know not every situation is perfect and sometimes you just cant get further back. So in those spots you’ll just have to dance with the rest of us.

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You mean tanks purposely aim everything at the DPS?


I’m talking about some of the boss fight us ranged are REQUIRED to stay ranged to bait.

It is very obvious a lot of deadly mech are designed to shoot at the player that is the furthest from the boss.

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Most time you guys could be in melee range but you just have fun way over there at 40 yards. Well. You made your bed.

(Yes I am aware there are many mechanics that targets range, but I fear that this isn’t it.)

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You put your demonic circle in one spot, and then move to bait boss mechanics away from it. Obviously.


This would please Prevokers muchly.

Put it in one direction, use your speed boost the other way.

If you think your speed boost can’t move you out of a cone attack, then you’re doing it wrong.

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Why are you getting hit by boss frontal attacks anyway? Surely your tank knows how to aim boss abilities away from the group?

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What I’m saying is we don’t have any “reaction” one click of a button get away from danger abilities such as blink.

Once again, I’m talking about certain boss fight we are purposely using ranged (me) to bait the boss frontal that is coded to aim at ranged players so it doesn’t happen to melee.

So wait. Is it completely random, or does it target a player so it can be baited?

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Yes. Because you’re a warlock. With circle and gateway.

Different classes are different. /surprisedpikachu


It goes on players that are far away, not 100% of the time but high chance, if me and a hunter at distance or me and healer, it could happen to either one of us. And it is a CONE, we have to run a LONG DISTANCE

So its not completely random. Which means you can place your portal somewhere.

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And some classes can ignore some abilities.

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Raszageth’s lightning breath was a line instead of a cone.

And people were SO GOOD at moving out of that, right?


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It happens very frequently and ports have CD, there are void runes randomly spawn all over the place, there is no way I can safely place the port knowing it would be safe the entire time. It doesn’t work. Like I said we don’t have anything that is “reaction” based, it’s always “preplanning” on a random board.