Make boss frontals a LINE not a CONE

It’s the truth. You are in full Blues 398 ilvl and running +16/17s. How much are you paying for those carries?

We can have 50 characters, is it too much for your brain to process?

What does that have to do with anything? So you are getting carried?

I’m actually 434 in pve and 441 in pvp, Need me to carry you?

So RIO is just showing you in Blues for no reason? Most of your top runs have the same people in them too.

Nerzhul does have a cone ability, and it almost always overlaps with the wall off doom, his issue is he thinks he’s losing a ton of uptime by outranging it, but in reality you only lose like 2 seconds at most, and if that’s to much you can quickly move to melee after the last pulsing sword is baited to range, then loop around the wall to avoid cone and move back out to range

Idk what you are talking about i pug with random ppl based one their io and ilvl

RIO run history says otherwise.

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Then it is wrong, idc if you think otherwise

Lmao. Yeah, sure.

Learn to read, idc if you think otherwise you don’t pay my sub, think w/e you want

You are trying real hard to deflect away from buying carries.

Your lock is Cinderdemon. Same pet collection.

Wanna try that again?

Such hypocrisy as you attack me constantly :rofl:

You don’t have anything else to say? Go away then

Yeah but he has a different ability that ranged have to bait, which doesn’t happen during the wall/cone, and the OP was whining about baiting cones. Like yeah, the fight has something to bait, and it has a cone, but they don’t happen at the same time.

You talk a lot and even called someone out to not talk until they hit 1000 RIO/Score when you buy carries. It’s just hypocrisy and ironic.

Yeah, like I said earlier OP is tripping if he thinks nerzhul cone is somehow problematic, that thing is probably one of the easiest frontals in the game to avoid lol

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And your opinions matter because? Lmao

I mean they don’t, but this is a public forum and I can call you out for buying carries if I want to. How much did you pay Spoinky?

Show proof or you are wrong, false accusation.