Make blood elves cool again

I totally forgot about that! There are so many classes and races available to both factions now that I didn’t even remember that Shaman / Paladin were Horde/Alliance only in classic. It’s still weird that Draenei were the first alliance race allowed to be shammies. I take back my previous comments. Folks who chose BE to be a Paladin in TBC are based.


Maybe weren’t embarrassed about finding attractive.

But the fan art of the Internet proved that Tauren were considered attractive.

In all seriousness- They (and draenei) were popular because they had better models and the gear looked better on them. The shoulders scaled better and didn’t ruin the silhouette. Draenei had huge shoulder armor (on males) but it didn’t look stupid like Tauren or orc males.

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Yeah sadly this is the problem. Their development they got was a one way street, if they’re no longer a desperate people desperately trying to survive, it doesn’t really make sense for them to make so many dark choices.
They should have gone with the idea of their culture being irreversibly damaged by the trauma of the Scourge invasion and continue to be power hungry and brutal despite no longer needing to be, but it’s too late to try that now.

Maybe Midnight might give us a chance to do that. We’ll see.

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God, that just reminded me of how long Orcs went with their shoulders being undersized in TBC. Misery. Suffering.

That is not going to happen though. They were desperate for all of…like what…10 years or so? That is not even a blink in their overall life span. They living more like how they used to live. So good for them.

We are way beyond the thought of the horde being the bad team.

Blood Elves not really being brutal would set them apart from the High Elves though. A big thing that ended up seperating Blood Elves and High Elves, is that the Blood Elves ended up more compassionate and loving towards their High Elven cousins, despite the High Elves being traitorous scum. Whereas the High Elves were… well… quite ready to kill and brutalise any Blood Elf.

The Blood Elves practically ended up stepping away from the brutal High Elven past, where they tortured captives by gouging out their eye.


I don’t know if Blood Elves are as “good” as people make them out to be. Remember what was going on in Nazmir during the faction assaults?

The Blood Elves were still using those beautiful massive green crystals while they were siphoning what was presumably Torga’s blood.


Its actually pretty cool that they still use those, they didn’t just sweep them under the rug.

I’m not that crazy about belfs, but their story has to be one of the best in my opinion, especially their WoW introduction stories that has you taking revenge on the guy who betrayed them and join the Horde.

I found the alliance between Forsaken and Blood Elves in the Ghostlands very interesting. I’m sad it wasn’t explored even further.


Dame Aurefreious is the best NPC I can still remember from the old days in the Ghostlands.

Amani had it coming.

Blood elves did nothing wrong.

Bring back the monarchy and torturing naaru for magic abilities.

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I am not against being a mana vampire but I doubt the cool stuff returns until Kael’thas is back.

I liked my edgy, vampire blood elves. The fact that we lost them is proof that the WC2 faction mindset is long dead-dead.


Warcraft 3 mindset if anything. You can imagine my sadness when TBC released. The only raid/dungeon I ever refused to do because they wanted to force me to kill Kael’thas.

Honestly, I like that the Blood Elves went a different direction than their High Elven cousins; aka, becoming a little more chill, a little humbled - I mean they literally swallowed their pride and joined the Horde to survive rather than remaining prideful and staying with the Alliance and doing nothing but being breeding cows or remaining with the Kirin’tor and doing absolutely nothing noteworthy, not even fight for your own country.

But the mana-sucking should have remained a thing regardless. Just because you forego the brutality outside of fights and war, does not mean you have to forego it during fights and war, and sucking magic out of enemy mages is literally a tactical advantage. You have troops that are immune to magic, can get in close and just succ a mage empty better than any Moonglade Goldshire elf - why throw such an advatage away?!


You literally encroached on and took their lands after the Night Elves kicked out your ancestors for using arcane magic.

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I hate high elves so much it’s unreal.

Textbook colonization.

The amani spilled the first blood for no reason.

The amani had it coming.


What the actual fudge. I can’t even right now.

I know it was a generation ago, but hearing German accents criticizing American history is a bit too cute.

White people were mean to other white people long before they were mean to native Americans.

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I almost felt sorry for theramore knowing Jaina tried her best. Then I remember my boy Hathorel and then seeing Vereesas face makes me angry again.

Don’t use your city as the fortress it was built as, and it won’t get destroyed.