Make blood elves cool again

so what we’re just suppose to bow down to our elven overlords like good little boys and girls. That’s not going to happen.

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Yes. Yes you should. Bow down to the holy elven empire! :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_nod:


Enough of your jokes

Stop making jokes and I’ll stop with mine. It’s only fair :dracthyr_nod:

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I don’t joke…

Oh, but you do. You just don’t realize how funny it is to others :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


And you think I care what others think why?

Who said anything about you caring? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

You’re a funny little man. That’s all.

and you are a very rude person.

Sure. I’ll take that as a compliment from you :dracthyr_heart:


How about just stop being so obnoxious and acting like they cramp your style when the only reason you play this game is cause Belfs joined the Horde in TBC.


I feel like these are the sorts of posts you’re going to look back on in a few years and delete out of embarrassment. But I, a dastardly blood elf player, will immortalize your shame in this one.


Really wasn’t that bad pre Blood Elf. Maybe it was globally but I was on a RPPvP server in a RPPvP guild and we did well enough that it was a significant issue of contention if we’d even accept elf toons.

I still think the Belves were a good idea for how they expanded the types of stories you could tell on the Horde. But their execution has remained wanting. Like they start off friendly with only the Forsaken and vice versa and we don’t really see reasons as to why this is outside of Tranquillen.

When they seem pretty much predestination for a slob/snob, goth/jock buddy cop movie dynamic.


This truly is an orc player moment


You’re gonna be really mad for the revamp Silvermoon is getting in Midnight.

Its too late. In TBC Blood Elves were popular because they were the only horde race that players thought were attractive. Now there are more superficially interesting options for that strange portion of the player base to chose between. :rofl:


That’s what you think I’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about I am true to my beliefs and will be until the day I am put six feet under can you say the same?

I picked them because Spellbreakers in WC3 were awsome looking.

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That was back when Blizzard still reported Player Numbers.


Also the only race that could be a paladin on the Horde side. Let’s not forget that.