Make An'she/Belore A Thing

And it’s all? It’s sad! Madness is famous!

Equal and copy isn’t he same… If you can’t understand that than you shouldn’t even be debating here.

The titan are ‘‘equal’’ but aren’t a copy of each other. The keeper are ‘‘equal’’ but aren’t a copy of each other. An’she should be equal while not being a copy of Elune. I don’t even get where you get the idea that Elune is unique at first. We still don’t know what she is so why are you assuming that the alliance should have their own unique universal god with no equal?

A Sun GOD is NOT a MOON God…the fact that you can’t grasp that is pathetic.

Wish Kyalin was still around, at least she didn’t pretend she was neutral.

An’She did not participate in lore, unlike Elune!

And why does the Horde need a god … STOP! And how will you give An’she to Alliance?

And does the existence of Radagast take away from Gandalf?!??! Because that’s literally what you’re insisting.


Saruman is your An’She!

He is evil, he is evil, he is Gandalf of the forces of evil, and the song is stupid and all …

Does he even understand what he’s arguing against? Because the only thing he keeps repeating like a broken record is having a SUN GOD, somehow takes away from the Night elves having a MOON GOD


Gandalf isn’t the only maiar. No gandalf ins’t saruman the same way that An’she isn’t Elune despite being equal…


So give up the druids, they are not needed, you have shamans! Crazy scream of darkness.

Go ask blizzard

The Titans are everything…but not Equal. Each Titan is also different in power and the only thing they share is their origin.

Do you know why this thread was started? It was just about giving the horde an elune substitute, that’s just not enough, that’s not a good enough reason, when you do something like that it takes more than that to keep indulging this stupid faction stand rivalry and saying “haha, we have our own god, BÄÄÄ BÄÄ” , like in the crusade, who has the most awesome imaginary friend.

If Radagast shared the same theme, he would, but he did not. And Elune is more than a moon goddess, she has tremendous powers of light & shadow, of nature, of the arcane, of water, she is only embodied with the moon, but is not the moon.

Don’t link to Blizzard! Explain why you need druids?

I don’t care about druids. That’s literally irrelevant to what we’re talking about

Druids belonged to the night elves until they were given to the Horde for some reason. Just as they are now offering to do with Elune.
And you never answered, how will you give An’she to the Alliance?

According to the Night Elves she is. And there’s nothing stopping blizzard from going Yeah, the night elves were simply wrong like they did with An’she and the Tauren beliefs


We literally have no evidence of this.

So you’re a New Atheist I take it?

Are you seriously going to now suggest Elune is a Sun God as well?

Are you seriously choosing to go down the argument “Elune is also the Sun”???

How is a SOLAR GOD based on all the tie ins I listed, with the art I listed, AT ALL SHARING THE THEME OF ELUNE?

You’re insane.


they never actually said that An’She is wrong…it’s just that mu’sha is not the eye of the earth mother, but An’She was never said to be wrong.

How does ANY OF THIS “take” from Elune???


NO sun god! There is only the wrong religion of the tauren! Yes, that will be their “racial identity”! Like the night elves “fallen empire”, insane scream! Yes!

So if Musha is Elune, and Musha and Anshe are equal, where does that put Anshe if it isn’t “wrong”?