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If your job was to do backflips uninjured off skyscrapers and do it without getting injured and your salary was $1 million, then Yes you better do it right.

They’re not doing some strawman exercise in stupidity though. THEY CANT EVEN DO THEIR JOBS. Even with the amount of money they rake in.

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Anyone want to play rock paper scissors?

whew, 550+ comments in under 45 minutes, gotta be some kind of record

I love it.

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they didn’t clear their cache and WTF folders, and now look what happened

lol Game Services in the shop live before the servers are.

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…im gay


As I recall I believe MoP beta was down either 1-2 weeks before launch but I could be wrong, I wasn’t in any other retail ones till SL but by then I was too busy enjoying prepatch chromie time leveling.
But I specifically recall Classic because we went down for a few weeks then they gave us 1 or 2 weeks to login and make characters for name claiming as they knew logging in on launch day would be a massive issue.

Still I feel like it is being rushed. Likely why they announced the release date so close to it as they did not want a re-enactment of SL launch delays and people freaking out like the world was over.

None of your customers want to here your BS petty excuses! You had plenty of time to release a proper product. Tired of paid betas, $hit promises, bottom of the barrel customer service and peni$ salad!


Here I go ready? 1…2…3… rock.

lol thats funny!

TBCC stands for The Bill Cosby Circus featuring old mate Billy Boy Gates and Epstein.

Yea my brain hurts from seeing all you whing 30 something something year old I’m just gonna label you all mcconnels and be done with it you either new in which case this normal get used to it or your a fake outrager trying to stir the pot because your a troll. Take your pick either way

Good grief, I thought yall had figured this crap out back when you FUBAR’ed the origina release of The Burning Crusade expansion back in 2007. Talk about not learning from past mistakes.

well nah ive seen more in 5 mins of a update then this try 3000 comments in 6 mins

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SCISSORS! Gosh dangit

This is a terrible argument. 0 days before launch is not applicable to this situation. Things have changed and Blizzard IS giving time before launch to level.

They said we’d have 2 weeks to level in prepatch. While delays happen, time is running short and it’s understandable that people are feeling it slip away… and it doesn’t feel good.

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I don’t think you get the concept. If you pay me a million dollars an hour to run faster than Usain Bolt, I can’t physically do it.

You can pay someone all you want or as many as you want, but it doesn’t make things magically happen faster than it could normally.

My entire post history is ragging on Blizzard’s actual bad decisions. Ripping on some IT guys having headaches and nightmares with old technology conflicting with new is not a low I will sink to.


imagine the outrage at not being able to boost your toon once the servers are up, blizz can’t win.

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Dark portals matter

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