Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

Blizzard shill :clown_face:

what u think im a cry baby thicnk not megatron %^&hole i just enjoy what i pay for and go with atleast i don`t whine on forums every time someone *&^% u off

For everyone complaining about not having enough time to level their Blood Elves and Draenei’s, would you rather have 0 days before launch of leveling them like we did during the original TBC launch? Stop complaining about that. Keep complaining about this ridiculous maintenance though, all the right in the world for that one.

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This needs to be posted on blizzardcs twitter. How could things be -this- broken?

You are my hero for the night.

Better be fudge or blueberry.

Can we please not open the Dark Portal? We already have COVID-19 we don’t want any other nasties out in the world, cheers.

thanks blizz

I bet Blizzard can get the cash shop working with no issues



Have you tried unistalling and re-installing?

Blueberry 100%

I’m not sure I agree with you. The CEO fired everyone significant on the team for showing him up and showing him that wow Classic would work.

If Blizzard had a different CEO, this wouldn’t have been a complete waste of a day.


Oof i see them comma’s now.

I’ll snag the only out I can grasp and claim if I wasn’t waiting 10+ hours i wouldn’t have dipped so far into the Captain Morgans. We at fault together right here Activision

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If they have similar problems on the morning of June 1st, they won’t have any choice but to push it back.

There won’t be 30 classic servers after tbc launches lol maybe 10 and I’d imagine there going to be pretty barren until people get bored of the first tier and are waiting for the next phase classic has its place but a good many people only supported classic in hopes of tbc and wrath.

Can’t wait for Taliesin to talk about how much of a sh*t show this was.

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What about people that were expecting it today rather than tomorrow and took a day off work to play screw you guys!!!

My anaconda don’t want none of your maintenance, hun.


I can just see him rubbing his hands together as he selects the juiciest comments

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I think im more upset about 13 days of prepatch than the extended maintenance. Anyone that’s played WoW for an extended period of time should have expected a long maintenance.

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