Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

this is basically how Blizzard trolls Min maxxers


I don’t recall Shadowlands beta (wasn’t on it much) but I specifically recall Classic beta being brought down a month or so in advance.

Corrected that for you. :smirk:

Now I know that he’s just the messenger, but it’s still a shame how this was delayed an additonal 9 hours. Still upsetting however, that it took 17 hours or more if you delay it again to do maintenance for a pre patch. But I do understand things happen, however we’re still gonna whine about it because we pay for it.

Blizzard makes way to much money for this to be okay.

We shouldn’t have to choose between a sh#t sandwich or a sh#t taco.

With the billions they make we should get a finished product on time.

No excuses.


You’re so pissed from being called out as a smooth brained shill you can’t even type straight anymore. It’s ok baby boy, go take a sippy from Bobby’s nippy.


I called off my kidney transplant surgery just to play prepatch Blizzard wtf you better find me a new donor.


You can pay me a million dollars an hour, but that doesn’t make me capable of performing a triple backflip off the top of a skyscraper without injuries.

You can’t throw hundred dollar bills at a server and they magically work in record time, boot up faster, or self-create their infrastructure.

Does a one legged duck swim in circles? @BlizzCeo

Are you serious? Why would anyone want day-long maintenance/implementation? Are you really contending that ‘no changes’ also implied scuffed Tuesday releases? Is that really a hill you want to die on?

So I guess this is all my fault. I am a compulsive hoarder, I just can’t vendor away even those silly little white items that I don’t even know what they are good for. So I mail them around to my many many alts, the bags are full, the banks are full, the mailboxes are full. I tried my best to clear out all those mailboxes before the shutdown for maintainance. Took me a couple of days and I got about half way through my thousands of mails. Tried to sort it and make it neat and tidy before the auctionhouse went offline. Thousands of pieces of cloth, leathers, ores, greens, cooking supplies. So there is some poor guy out there actually accounting for all that mess? I’m sorry guy(or gal) I didn’t know I would break the world so bad. Some how I knew I should have sold it off before but I wanted to stock up to make leveling professions a bit easier. Well no blame, no shame, not going to cry if data corruption makes some things vanish. Guess I should stop trying to log and just go to sleep.

a box of pop tarts each even the off brand ones would make up for this in my book.

Do you guys think Bill Gates will start cracking onto the Blizzard women? I heard they never want their portal open.


As far as retail expansions, they would be up until launch, or a week at most.

Man, A shame you Laid off all your IT workers and left your janitors to try to fix this


Better say that it will come out on June 1 and that’s it.

Why push back release, when it’s going to be delayed a good 12 hours too. The timing lines up perfectly.

Hate to break it to ya but this isn’t trolling min-maxers. Min-maxers will still be level 60 in a week but the casuals will be the ones deciding to boost another toon instead of level because they simply have no way to meeting the deadline now.

Worst extended edition ever.

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