Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

Considering its currently 1:20 AWST, I don’t think it is.

Beta’s have typically been running up until release.

Ashes of Creation.

I can’t believe … ME… a highly educated adult with employment (that I need to go to bed early for because you know my big boy job requires me to wake up early) was tricked into waiting for these servers to come up… in all my years… I do declare


For real all this hassle because they wanna drain even more money out of people with this cloning nonsense

not if you live in australia

I actually gave my cat some wasabi and he didn’t really like it.

Just the ones that smelled the least?

Holy crap … I forgot all about that game! I think I first heard about it a year ago …

Today, we learn that this was a mistake. As it is with every major patch and expansion. NEVER take time off to play on the day of. It never works out. There will be two rushes. The sweats that have no responsibilities, and the people that do. Best bet? Take off the day after patch day.

They won’t give free boosts. That’s way too much money. If anything, they’ll give a day of sub time, which equates to something like… $0.50. Prepare to be upset.

I’m not happy about the waits either, but at least I expected it. Just as everyone should have by now, after 15+ years.

I ha ent even played this game since MC seems your the diluted fanboy… as you here crying on a forum like a baby. And as soon as the servers are on you will shut up login and resume playing thats called fake outrage and bieng a hypocrit…

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Honestly, if blizzard would try to be a little more helpful than a windows 10 BSOD in this situation people might have a little more paitence, to echo many people who have already commented.


“Hello, wow classic players! We’re sorry to say that a gerbil got loose and ran into the server, thus shorting them out. the data needs to be recopied to new blades and will take some time.”

i took off work to smash some level blizzard… 2 days later is blizzard gona say 2 more hours for maintenance ?

Not true.

YOU don’t care.

If nobody cared about Classic Era, we wouldn’t be in phase 6 on one of 30 classic servers.


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Yup! Cant wait. (VERBAL NDA IS LIFTED) I did the weekend, and it was pretty good even with it being the 1st look at alpha. Cant wait for further testing and content.

if u don`t have patiance for a game and how they work why would play if u cant wait think about it if u know if its going down for 6 hours then look at the time then plan it for your self.

like i did i woke thinking servers r up when i found out they r down i said f^%$ it im watching netflix untill they r up so either way if your bored log off and go to sleep like the rest of us do when the game is down.

You don’t make friends with veganese food.

False equivalency. Comparing half finished games with IT issues isn’t remotely similar.

Let’s be honest; it’s not gonna be two more hours. They’re getting rough estimates every two to three hours about when their next file restore will be and it’s not working out.

Thank you for the update and Good luck with the maintenance. As someone who has done software releases, I understand how things can go sideways even when the Dev environment works fine . Keep up the good work