Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

I farted into the face of my chicken and he didn’t really like it.

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We understand!
It’s hard being a small indie company. Limited staff and being low on funds is hard for a start up like you guys.
But just know you have a group of a few thousand backers like us cheering you on!
You should do another kickstarter!


Can you at least glance at the forums and see our frustration?

We are neither at the moment


so funny that they didnt even dare tweet it after the last 2 tweets.

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Incredibly naïve of you to use PTO on patch day and not the day after.

Have you even played these games before?

Instant cat gag reflex at the sight of the salty kids in here

That has to be the most nonsensical, out of touch hot take of the industry, lmao. “Boycotting preorders and RMT”. Oh, lord.

Jokes on you if you thought we had jobs LOLZ

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Make sure you get that taint nice and clean.

Um…is this a typo? 3:00 P.M.?

Well this is the true classic experience, ain’t it.


Hey I just met you and this is crazy… but we’re still here waiting SO OPEN THE SERVERS MAYBE :scream:


Then why are you here tool box unsubb and go play something else you are hypocrit and a child. FYI see you when the servers go back up after you thru a temper tantrum like a kid when he’s told no.

I hate to say, “I told you so”, but this could have all been avoided had you given me a beta invite.

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Have you heard of games like Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk? Seemed to work, even got AG’s involved and criminal investigations started over half finished product. You must be out of touch of the real world buddy. Either that or stockholm syndrome. It’s ok, I don’t know many people who like to pay for services not rendered, but you’re allowed to do what you want with your money.

Lol no, They fired them all to give Bobby a bigger bonus.


I’m not mad because I understand that sometimes things go wrong. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. If they opened up now and we got into broken, buggy servers, you’d all be rioting against nothing working.

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Seems like it will be a worldwide start for EU and NA

TBC Prepatch at 3pm!.. no no no wait it’ll be ready by 6pm! … Sorry guys it’ll be ready by 10pm we thank you for your continued patience :slight_smile: … Ok guys for real it’ll be ready by 12pm we promise! TBC delayed until 2022.

Well, you have to imagine there’s a lot working overtime right now. I say let them take their time, they might be able to afford to order from the non-poverty menu this week.

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