Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region


Solved! :slight_smile:

Nah, just a built up annoyance with the forums here who would be so willing to call out Blizzard for their BS yet defend them while they are being hypocritical.

As per usual. The M0r0n patrols are out. It’s all complex issues and even if they have all this money, it still takes time to narrow down problems. These children don’t deserve to play.

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This is why TBC should have had fresh servers that opened 4 weeks ago.


Some people have regular days off other than the weekend.

Tuesday happens to be one of mine, which is very unfortunate on days like this.

Only play one, I’m not sure I’d argue that the video game industry is a stellar model. They operate in mini monopolies which is what allows them to get away with it, something that gamers are trying to change by boycotting preorders and things like RMT. So yeah, maybe even the genre of mmos or the video game industry is plagued by service issues, but any other industry would die under these circumstances. The only thing propping them up is their monopoly of their IP. If you could play wow provided by other services, and the field was competitive, blizzard would be forced to clean up their act.

you’re so goddam dumb bro how can you defend a company releasing a product that they are trying to milk for every penny more so then when they originally released the og game and also they can’t get it out within even 6 hours of the original time table and also are keeping us almost entirely in the dark I guarantee they push it back even further they have no idea what they are doing and honestly they don’t care cause people like you will defend their completely dogshlt actions


Your company has so much money catering to China lol how do you always bungle up releases? You’ve been doing this for like 15 years now.

ding ding ding!!! You are correct.

Yeah, then people will whine about not being given enough heads up.

Na because I rerolled you stupid turkey and I want to play those characters still

Even then.
This isn’t my first beta with Blizzard.
Usually by this time the beta is closed because they are done. But it’s still going and having problems galore.

as he is right u can`t complain its just a video game what would u do if someone shuts wow down for life what would u do then

Get what you deserve for abusing that system.

China’s used to doublespeak and not taking responsibility for anything it does.

It would be hilarious if the blues make another thread in the next 2 hours and say it will extend again lol

Slowly claps Shouldn’t have wasted my PTO for this.

you have your bags packed with items gathered with no pvp

You are so absolutely deluded in your mindless loyalty to this company it is flabbergasting. Your opinion is worth less than crap smeared toilet paper like the rest of the shills that much is clear, but to have THIS level of braindead zealotry is beyond parody. You are the last person to ever tell anyone to snap back to reality, you are beyond help.


The level of rage is… Well Good Job. Did great playing with our time…