Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

I hope everyone loses their marks of honor this is ur fault this is happening

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This is just madness… I think we are stuck in 2007 WoWzA.

what paln u think they have we r in a middle of a death crisses so why would they let u have the free time for anything if u think about they have been very good lately if u wanna whine about go whine to a judge and see where that goes

na its normal to be unhappy with poor customer service :wink:

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Admit it, you are only frothing at the mouth because you’ve been snorting powdered donuts :stuck_out_tongue:


Nothing good

Who’s the person in charge? I charge per hour wasted, where can I send the bill.

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let me guess 90% of the people crying took work off today ?

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Why so you can complain in 3 days when you can’t quest because your getting ganked until you log then can come back here whining how it’s not fair…

as someone who was previously happy with that rule, I think you should be able to xfr from pve to pvp since you can boost on pvp to 58

It’s not like we really have a choice do we? None of us are being patient. Some of us have taken naps, or went to sleep waiting getting our hopes up. Others are probably just looking at themselves. Like wow I have already played this when it first released in 2007, and they are having maintenance issues this long when it was originally supposed to launch at like 7 PDT. Not to mention why do Classic servers that have nothing to do with TBC need to be shut down for y’all to release content from a different expansion? It makes no sense that we have no option but to keep waiting, play retail which is garbage, or play CoD which is worse. Like Activision Blizzard is just thinking of any way to stay in the gaming market at this point. It’s really sad that are extending the release now for a 2nd, or 3rd time when this isn’t even a new release. This is a pre release of a game that has already been released over 10 years ago. what a joke.


gimmi my game retards


Just start giving longer ETAs at this point. Then when you’re finished early everyone is happy. Stop taking wild shots in the dark every time.

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Beta builds are typically 2-3 builds older than internal builds.

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Allot of these people are forgetting your all busting you butts to get this sorted, you’ve been there most of the day and want to get home to your families. Cut these guys some slack at least. As murphy’s law states “If it can go wrong it will”

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Imagine paying for a product and being okay with incompetency. Saying things like this happens all the time, just go outside, socialize, like it somehow makes it okay to deliver poo poo pee pee and call it caviar.


Guess I’m confused… why do you need a beta for a game that’s already been released 100 years ago? Same code, no?

pretty much

That is the surface of a powdered donut.

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