Maintenance Extended to 1:00 a.m. PDT in this Region

Apparently this time they cloned the whole body and then shot it in the head.

“You are not prepared!”

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“In this region”, aka we’re guinea pigs for a smooth EU launch.


You must be new to mmos.

ya i saw that … release the “2nd” and “1st” at the same time

I’ll send you some garlic bread.

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Hopefully we’ll receive two days to a week’s worth of free game time.

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Do people say “Brekky” there for breakfast or is that another lie I have been fed?

LET US TRANSFER FROM PVE TO PVP. The whole unfair argument is invalid because we will all be replacing epics with greens in short time.

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yeah no, that one day of not being able to level will not affect many if any, also stop crying and just accept the fact that every game that releases a huge change to a game ends up either having to keep the game down or taking it down several times in order to fix it…

They may give a 24 hour addition to your account, or a discount on some random things. However extending pre patch a whole week for 1 day?? na , Fresh tbc servers… although that should have been done they went with cloning same servers… it is what it is… if you cannot handle this then maybe you should go take a walk and get some rest because when TBC drops its gonna really cause you issues.

It’s maintenance you slow minded nub get used to it. It’s been here always and always will be God all you crybabies must be new here’s a tip go click the unsub button and quit crying. There not going to change anything because some guy on the forums is mad. Snap back to reality rabbit.

I cannot agree with this any more than possible.
Got into the beta very late, after they announced the release date, and it is definitely having issues.

I needs to know my Felguard’s name before I go to bed! Lol

Late maintenance? Feeding lies to the forums? Losing subscribers? Adding in terrible microtransactions to hopefully save the game?

Must be blizzard!!


Itd be pretty wild if yall could like, ya know, actually do anything right


yeah we say brekky :slight_smile:


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after 15 years of running a game they still dont have a god damn clue how to run or update it amazing company :clap:

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You better be delaying it again because u suddenly decided “man there is a reasonable demand for fresh tbc servers”



Come on. What?

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The sheer amount of salt in this thread…