Blah. Maybe try a different connection location?
Routing through Japan and I am now finally in retail. This is dumb.
Yeah, same! Disconnected from the VPN and then I get disconnected from WoW. . wtf
Almost unplayable doing it this way
I give up. You all have a good night!
Same Hope it works tomorrow I guess
Still nothing from a blue eh?
Nope, it’s probably not affecting steamers so they won’t make it a priority ofc. I tried to report it under support but the page keeps saying 404 page not found.
So a VPN worked for me is there risk though since your logged in from another country.
welp, 5 hours, zero response… good night guys
Stuck at “Logging into game server” while trying to log into Living Flame SoD.
Good luck tomorrow T__T
Is it safe to say that there are tons of people having Login/access issues? I cant get a response, but Ive lost three days of gaming now. I can play classic, not retail.
i cant play classic SoD or wrath or overwatch …still no answers
Still stuck. Help!
Is there something going on that is preventing people from launching Blizzard games? I cannot get passed “Logging in to game server” with DF WoW servers, and if I try to launch Overwatch 2, I get “Lost connection to game server”
I don’t believe it’s related to ISP because I can still launch other games outside of the launcher. This has been an issue for over 6 hours at this point.
Me too this has been going on since 730 last night i cant get in this is ridiculous
Having the same issue. Cannot launch DF or OW2.
I cant login as well. Just got home from OT and was hoping to get to play for a few hours before bed but unable to log in to server. Diablo IV seems to be the only games I can connect to. Can’t connect to WoW classic, Wotlk Classic, or Retail.
I also am experiancing this, stuck at logging into game server… can log into classic, but i dont want to play classic… any blue posts would be great to see about this issue… also i have tried all the recommended fixes with nothing working… so frustrating
went to bed woke up still the same issue still nothing from blizzard huh. Cmon tech support its a lot of us happened to me as well last night while in SoD Logging in forever! Off to work hopefully the maintenance will fix the issue