[Main Thread] Stuck at Logging into Game Server. (Dec 9th 2023)

Well damn, just got DC from Classic and now I can’t get in that either. I guess it’s back to Hearthstone.

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I’m doing the story mode. Haven’t had to play this game in years.

Yes I have restarted everything and closed and opened it multiple times.

you have a brave soul for that delete

im also stuck

I tried doing the same thing with no different outcome. I am still stuck in the ‘Logging in to game server’ screen.

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yep been here for hours now…

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also stuck

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More people are responding to my other thread saying the same thing v-v Maybe someone will listen soon

Edit: Oh, I’m dumb. This is my thread lmfao


Try a VPN connection and then log in…downstream provider for our internet connection must be having issues

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Wtaf this worked…

Hey! Try a VPN

It said estimated one minute, but I’ve been in queue for over 30 minutes now.

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this worked for me also

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Tried VPN, still nothing.

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I’m stuck on logging into game server as well! US servers

once vpn is on log out of everything then back in,

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I rebooted computer, logged in to VPN and then logged in to battle net and still nothing.

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can you tell what region the VPN is using? make sure its not in your same region or close… if its what i think it is its affecting a wide area

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My VPN is set to two hrs away from me and I’m staying stable. I don’t think its regional thing… I’d be super curious to see what we all have in common honestly lmao.