cant connect to even the list of the realms, it just stays on “Loggin into a game server”
I’ve restarted my router, I’ve restarted my computer, I’ve changed my internet connection from 5G to the not 5G, I’ve restarted battlenet.
I’ve tried everything I can think of and I have no idea how to figure out what is going wrong. I was able to play all day but now I’m trapped on the “Logging in to game server” screen.
Update: I have gotten to the Illidan server screen but its all black and nothing is happening. Will probably exit game and reset and be stuck again.
Someone on another thread said to try a VPN and I did… and it worked? I don’t understand. Are we all on the same crap provider? <__<;;
(>--)> Same here <(--<)
Same thing is happening to me
I’ve been experiencing the same thing for about 20 minutes.
Hey tech support! A lot of us are wondering is there any news i got DCd from SoD and now cannot connect to any blizzard game. Thanks for any info!
I havent been able to log into the game all day. Loading screen gets stuck at 80%, than kicks me back to the character page and says World Server is Down.
I see other people getting in the game…Blah
The rest of my M+ group is currently doing keys without me T__T I feel you
Has anyone tried other games because i cant access overwatch either
Any update on this? I am stuck in the logging in to game server!
Haven’t seen anything. If you let it load long enough, you get a black realm page which is… disappointing.
looks like no body care of us
I’ve been in the logging in to game server screen for over 30 minutes now.
Yeah I’m stuck as well
Yeah, I dc’d in a GF (that was gonna 3 chest lol) and was stuck with the loading message for a loooong time. Now I’m getting that black screen if I just alt tab and don’t pay attention to it. I’ve tried everything to fix it. Reset everything. Changed my connection. All of it. Nothing worked. I hope that if there are more posts here maybe someone will pay attention? Lol… maybe
I can log into everything els even classic but retail.
Ya thats strange i cant get into Classic or overwatch
I’m actually downloading hearthstone now to see if I can distract myself with that lol
I am watching my guild raid from someone streaming. I guess its about a close as I’ll get to getting in tonight.