Thought I was the only one. Haven’t ever had a problem like this.
Logged out last night fine and now can’t log-in. Stuck on “Logging in to game server”
Thought I was the only one. Haven’t ever had a problem like this.
Logged out last night fine and now can’t log-in. Stuck on “Logging in to game server”
I’m having the same issue. I’m definitely logged into my account but I can’t connect to game server in retail wow, classic, or Overwatch 2- which is all the blizzard games I have downloaded. Have tried all the obvious tech fixes that usually work. Makes more sense now to see some other people have this problem as well.
Started last night @ 7:30 Server Time. No access to any version; Retail, Classic or Wrath…still same issues this morning. I followed all the procedures recommended. Even uninstalled everything and reinstalled, same issue for over 12h…and no acknowledgement of an issue either…frustrating to say the least.
Can confirm I’ve experienced prolonged lagging and disconnections, mostly on the 10.2.5 PTR. It’s been happening for the past couple of hours really.
cancelling my sub till cata. they arent worthy
I have been in the same boat, I don’t know what i’m supposed to do. I’ve trouble shooted as well
I am also facing the same issue. Retail and Classic SoD attempts were met with the same issues, but D4 seemed to be working alright. Submitted a ticket and hopefully hear something from support.
Just wanted to say that I am having the same issue. Had no problems a couple days ago. I have reinstalled multiple times, checked my fire wall settings, checked my network settings, run the repair tool, I can find no cause for it at this time.
I am having the same issue, to X I go I guess. Since last night
I am having the same problem, forever stuck at “Logging in to game server”, I play in US-Mal’Ganis and US-Illidan, the problem started around 8:00 PM EST, December 8th. I did everything recommended by Blizzard and the problem didn’t solve.
So I decided to run some “experiments”. I created 2 new starter accounts, one in EU where I was able to create a character in EU-Ragnaros (full server) and play without problems, another starter account in US where I was able to create a character and play in US-Dasggerspine; however when I try to play in a server different than those tagged as “New Players” I get the infinite “Logging in to game server”
The next thing I tried was adding this line SET disableAutoRealmSelect “1” to the file located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\” in order to avoid a default login to the server I played the last time (basically it lets you select the server you want to play on before the character screen) and I was able to create a character and play in US-Daggerspine using my main account (has Dragonflight and active sub); however once again if I try to move to US-Mal’Ganis or US-Illidan I get the “Logging in to game server”.
So the question here is what in the world is happening? Someone from tech support please help us. There are other posts in this forum with people having the same problem.
Same issue here since Wednesday night. Was hoping to play and catch up with my guild this weekend…. What a fool I am lol
Yep, same since 7:15pm EST last night. Reset WTF/Cache folder and still nothing. Reset DNS, etc. Saw guildies able to log on (they’re in different areas of country for me).
Most times I get to the ‘logging into game servers’ screen and no further. Other times I get to the character select, but no characters populate. Removed addons, no luck.
Changing realms gives me a ‘You have been disconnected. (WOW51900329)’ error.
This is not great; especially no response from Blizz. Having to hop on a VPN in a different region is not a solution.
Same exact behavior for me. I was at the end of a Superbloom event when it kicked me last night around 7:30p EST.
FYI. I’m in East Tennessee around Knoxville.
I am having the same problem, forever stuck at “Logging in to game server”, I play in US-Mal’Ganis and US-Illidan, the problem started around 8:00 PM EST, December 8th. I did everything recommended by Blizzard and the problem didn’t solve.
So I decided to run some “experiments”. I created 2 new starter accounts, one in EU where I was able to create a character in EU-Ragnaros (full server) and play without problems, another starter account in US where I was able to create a character and play in US-Dasggerspine; however when I try to play in a server different than those tagged as “New Players” I get the infinite “Logging in to game server”
The next thing I tried was adding this line SET disableAutoRealmSelect “1” to the file located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\” in order to avoid a default login to the server I played the last time (basically it lets you select the server you want to play on before the character screen) and I was able to create a character and play in US-Daggerspine using my main account (has Dragonflight and active sub); however once again if I try to move to US-Mal’Ganis or US-Illidan I get the “Logging in to game server”.
So the question here is what in the world is happening? Someone from tech support please help us. There are other posts in this forum with people having the same problem.
Looks like everyone that comes off the Chicago. That I have seen people post
i have the same issue since last night, still stuck in “Logging in to game server”
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This is the post on X 15hrs ago working on everything els but no post about login issues or updates if working on anything.
Posting my tracert output in case it helps.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 2 ms 2 ms 3 ms []
3 30 ms 29 ms 29 ms []
4 30 ms 30 ms 32 ms []
5 29 ms 30 ms 29 ms []
6 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms
7 28 ms 28 ms 28 ms
Trace complete.
I am able to login if I use a VPN. Unable to login without it.
Logging in to game server same issue for others