I feel this in my bones. I just want to be slamming keys right now v-v
I was in this run. This cost our group the key. I now wonder if MMO’s are the correct genre for me…
Same here trying for 10 min and nothing black screen
I am also stuck and unable to play. It seems to have started at about the same time too.
I too am experiencing a very long login time
I have tried logging completely out of battle net, and back in. The best I can get is logging in to game server.
I can stay connected to hearthstone just fine
Yep, I am playing hearth stone on my phone while watching the raid stream
Glad to know it is not just me. Anyone have any success?
Been like this for over 2 hours now for me.
I too am having this issue, I’ve deleted my WTF folder and finally got in but was stuck on the black screen as well.
Yeah I am having the same issue. Sitting on the logging in to game server screen on all versions of WoW. Very annoying
Omg me too! This started at 7:30 pm EST for me and now its 9:30 T__T
Yaaassss! At least we have each other.
Oh, oh, oh, oooooooooooh. I just got in to Classic SOD.
Keep trying to get into retail and nothing
Been at this for two hours, repaired and scanned, re-installed, reset in-game settings through BNet. Nothing, stuck at “Logging into Game Server”. Ticket opened, no response. Blue Post where are you?
There aren’t enough of us apparently
Why on earth would this auto pick a toon I have never played!?! That’s just rude.
At least he was pretty.