[Main Thread] - Permissions errors updating or repairing games in Battle.net

Same here.

macOS Montery 12.0.1
Macmini M1 2020

I got back in by doing a complete reinstall. How completely stupid is that? 80 some gbs. Total waste of bandwidth and time. My plan is to make a duplicate of the warcraft folder and hope at least next time I can start at a known good point again.

not just on mac does it for pc windows too, thats the same issue, BLZBNTAGT00000841, i am on a windows pc, also i cant reinstall, i tried with the PTR to test it out first and it wont re-install the PTR so not even going to try on the main game since there is a work around to get into game til they fix the bnet app issue i have to play to keep up to date with renown (some toons not 80 yet) and do timewalking

BLZBNTAGT00000841 for me. MAC mini M1 2020 OS12.0.1 Monterey not working since approximately noon PST NOV 11

Having the same problem. I am just trying to reserve the name “Thex” for SoM!

I’m STILL having this issue, I’m on a windows PC, IDK w/e the issue is, but here is the code I am getting. BLZBNTAGT00000841 is the error I’m getting, and it asks me to log back in as an admin. But I AM logged in as an admin. I did everything, I restarted my PC, I actually uninstalled bnet and reinstalled a fresh copy, I logged in as an admin, I definitely ran a repair and it came back w/no errors, everything except uninstalling the game. But on the flip side, it works FINE when I load up the EXE through the retail location and cutting bnet out of the picture. So I’m fairly certain it is on YOUR end of it, Bliz. Pls help.

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As I posted in the thread in the Mac support forum:

So far launching directly from the WoW app isn’t a 100% workaround for me. Like many people I’ve got more than one account and often run more than one instance of WoW simultaneously. Launching the WoW app directly only allows me to run one instance.

It’s possible that this differs from Windows. I’m interested to know how trying to one more than one instance of WoW is working out for Windows users who are still having the bnet problem.

On my Mac, when I try to launch WOW manually, I get this error message: ERROR #154 (0x8510009a).

i am on Windows PC and if i have game up by accessing it from the file in the WoW folder on my computer then it makes the button say play and therefore i can successfully open up a second game with my second account (i also have 2 WoW accounts) however if i do not access very first login from the WoW folder file then i cannot get in at all as it goes back to update and will not update and then gives that BLZBNTAGT00000841 message even when also as admin and doing scan and repair

Thanks for the prompt reply. Appreciate it greatly.

Following a player’s advice in the Mac thread, after backing up WTF & the other folders with account-specific files, I did a complete reinstall of both bnet & WoW. Then I copied the backed up folders/files back into the appropriate new WoW locations. On restarting bnet it did a small WoW update that was successful. I currently have two accounts open & playable.

Yes, it was a pita to do the total reinstall. And i consider it a workaround - not a solution - because the problem is obviously not on our end, given the wide variety of OS versions, hardware, drivers, etc. involved. But at least I can enjoy my normal daily sessions while Blizzard fixes whatever bugs are causing the errors.

thing is, it wont install stuff for me, like i said i tried to re-install the PTR but it wont install it so i am afraid to try with the main game

This worked for me in the past when I got into a scan and repair but fails to update loop.

IIRC there was a quicker way by just backing up and then deleting the *.idx files or something like that.

Add me to the list of unhappy subscribers who are unable to access WoW on a Mac. How many posts until they fix the code? The world may never know.


(Mac OS 12.0.1) this is my 3rd post - I was looking at my Data folder - it was empty. I forgot what I did (possibly repair & scan but not sure) but stuff finally showed up in that Data folder- so I checked permission on that folder it was read & write for all users, folders inside that (for instance config) was the same (read & write) BUT inside the config folder some of the folders were not read & write some had custom permissions and folders inside those had some custom permissions. This is odd because I’ve never used custom before. I am going through each folder and making them all read & write permissions. Hopefully this may help.


Have not been able to log in for 2 days. I’m starting to get frustrated. Come on Blizzard, seriously?


(iMac 10.14.6) Thanks, Shootinpain! This pointed me in the right direction. Once I located the Data folder, I chose permissions, unlocked and assigned read/write to that folder and all enclosed folders. I closed that, launched battle net and warcraft stated the update as normal. I am now playing after a day and a half. Hope this works for others.

OK I was finally able to get into game (not using battle.net) Here is what I did. I got an answer from a tech that told me to:

  1. Open Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities.
  2. Type or copy and paste the following command into Terminal window:

sudo chmod 0754 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Battle.net

Then I went to my Applications/World of Warcraft folder
Selected the folder, unlocked that folder, changed/assigned read/write permissions to everything. Then I launched World of Warcraft from inside that folder - I did NOT launch through Battle.net (afraid it would mess up)

This right here fixed the issue for me! Thank you so much

for PC i see more permissions options than just read & write, like a list of others too and to even see permissions you have to click on security unless thats not the same thing as where you all are talking about even though its two diff types of computers, but no one is reporting a fix for PC, its all Mac stuff sigh

I went through all the steps but still didn’t work for me. I checked all the folders and contents and everything was, already, unlocked and all had read/write permissions.

I started up WOW from insider the folder but it came up with an error and then went straight to the launcher. :frowning:

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