[Main Thread] - Permissions errors updating or repairing games in Battle.net

@ Eleara folders inside the config folder had different permissions some had read/write and others had custom - so I just selected the entire wow folder and reapplied read/write to all enclosed since it seemed that permissions was the issue (at least for MAC) I also was told by the Tech to do what I stated above about posting that code in Terminal - then according to the Tech do not launch using B-net, launch the world of warcraft from inside your folder. This is a work-around to let you be able to get into game until they can fix what they broke.

the problem is though not that we cant get in game at least from what i see a lot of people can get in the game via the file in the folder but the problem is updating the game in the bnet app, which we will need to do at some point obviously as they add new things to the game so this bnet app issue needs to be fixed and us not always having to just go through the file in the folder

Thank you for your help Shootinpain. I’ve now re-checked all files and all are read/write, (I’ve run the script within Terminal) but when I launch via the app, I get the message ERROR #154 (0x8510009a) then it proceeds to launch the Launcher and we go back to the same old problem.

I can run TBC directly from the app and it successfully bypasses the Launcher.

Hopefully Blizz will find us a fix soon.

I tried this method and still got the dialog box

World of Warcraft
ERROR #154 (0x8510009)

that I received performing all the slight variations I could think of. It also automatically launched the battle.net app. This time the button said ‘Play’ and I clicked it, which launched WoW; but up popped the exact same dialog box again. Now the app button says ‘Update’ and does the same ol’ same ol’ wrongness.

Just had this error this morning - ( on mac 11.6 )

 The solution that worked for me was to go and reset the permissions on the DATA folder & all contained items to everyone can read & write   & restart Battle.net launcher.
The data folder had Custom permissions before I reset them.

What does this mean to reset the permissions on the Data folder?

I am on a Mac, just recently updated to 12.0.1 Monterey.
Still getting error BLZBNTAG00000BB8. I cannot update anything. not retail or classic tbc

@ Cajun
go to the folder in your applications - click on folder to highlight then command I, Click on the lock in the lower right hand corner, put in your password, make sure the privileges say read & write for all users shown, then go to lower left corner click the arrow next to the circle & select apply to all enclosed. You can read my post further up for more information

This is for the Mac discussion.

On my iMac, the changing of the permissions of the DATA worked. For my MacBook Pro, no such luck. Any ideas? Thanks in advance! (Both are running of the latest OS.)

Launching the retail wow app from the folder worked for me. I don’t think it works for everyone. I would also dump cache and wtf folders if that doesn’t do the trick.

@ Concede [quote=“Shootinpain-stormrage, post:77, topic:1133167”]
tech that told me to:

  1. Open Terminal, located in /Applications/Utilities.
  2. Type or copy and paste the following command into Terminal window:

sudo chmod 0754 ~/Library/Application\ Support/Battle.net

In addition to fixing the permissions - you might try that

Just got online.
Battle.net had a green icon overlayed the Blue Swirly icon.
To restart and update; battle.net
So I did and also restarted my computer.
I also had a restart of the power to update and restart… Windows 10.
In progress…
Ugh edit.
Now I got some icon on task bar… Meet now?
Fine print…
5 min… Later on Btq… 52fps 162ms

Okay. This is how I’ve been getting in on my Mac:

  • Find your agent apps. Users/Shared/Battle.net/Agent. There will probably be a few folders named something like Agent7531 and Agent7581
  • Open the 7531folder and locate the Agent app in that folder. You’ll need to double click (start) this app after a couple more steps.
  • Start Activity Monitor
  • Start Battle.net
  • After Battle.net starts, you’ll get the error, close the error message
  • In Activity Monitor, find the Agent process and force quit it
  • IMMEDIATELY start the Agent app in the 7531 folder
  • In Battle.net, start an update or hit Play
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This worked.

I tried the permissions stuff earlyer, but did not help.

I closed the battle.net app.

Made a new directory in the same drive/folder as my World of Warcraft, copied all the content of my “World of Warcraft” into this new folder.

Then i renamed my Wow folder to something else and renamed my new folder to “World of Warcraft” and started up the battle.net app.

it did a small update (that it has been stuck on for 2 days asking for admin rights etc.) and i could boot up the game and all was goodie…

Running Windows btw.

Edit : Since i just renamed the folders i did not have to do anything in the battle.net app

Edit2 : My problem was with Retail WoW

I am cross posting this as it seems less onerous than other issues (and I was getting the BB8 error)

OK, first Blizzard needs to have a look into whatever processes are doing their permissions and audit it for this issue… Get it together Blizzard…

This happened again this morning (it is AM here) and I had to do a fix again. I have offer now what should work for any macOS user assuming your use “owns” the game files a the Unix level. From the folder where the World of Warcraft folder is (mine is in a Games folder) run in the terminal (if ownership is an issue add "sudo " before the “find”):

find World\ of\ Warcraft -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ;

To get to the folder to run you need to know where your folder is but can do (again my folder is the example but “cd /Applications” should work for those with a default install location):

cd /Volumes/tornado-data/Games

Here is what they look like entered on my system:

0:dennisw@tornado:~$ cd /Volumes/tornado-data/Games
0:dennisw@tornado:/Volumes/tornado-data/Games$ pwd
0:dennisw@tornado:/Volumes/tornado-data/Games$ find World\ of\ Warcraft -type d -exec chmod 775 {} ;

I am 20+ year career Unix user/operator/admin/junkie (SCO, Solaris, Linux, macOS/OS X, BSD, AIX, HP-UX, and others …)

For the cringe side, this takes care of the egregious 777 by replacing with 775 (no write for the “other” group.) This only needs to apply to directories/folders as “execute” permission is for scanning files in the folder (aka “ls” or “dir”) and setting execute on regular files is not a good security practice as it makes them actually executable (the lack of code makes them not, but if regular are now “world” writable and executable it is a hacker’s wet dream…)

P.S. this is a Terminal executed solution, to be clear Applications… Utilities… Terminal (or your terminal of preference if you are one of those… I use iTerm2 :slight_smile: )

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Blizzard please save us! SoM is almost upon us!

I was getting the same issues. Dumped bnet app (had done the same this morning with no change) and then it downloaded a bunch of stuff I deleted from my WOW Retail folder. That done, got PLAY - yippee! Only to get “The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler : Initialization error: failed to create storage component.”

This is definitely a BNET/Blizzard error. Please get this fixed!

Now back to the Agent wants to make a change, enter admin password (NEVER done this before) and then the Whoops! Looks like something broke… error message. I hope Blizz fixes this soon!

Day 3 of being unable to use bnet launcher due to update problem. This is ridiculous Blizz! Please fix!

Hey there,

No new updates from our Dev/QA team. I just wanted to check in with y’all. If you are impacted by this issue and have not posted on this forum regarding the bug please do so. Our support staff will add you to our tracking of the bug.

If you have posted already, it should be fine to leave it at that until we are in the “retest” phase. I’ll post on this thread once we have more updates!!

Thanks for reaching out to us. Cheers!


Interesting note for Windows 10/11 users…

It seems removing WoW from the Game Mode settings list has worked for me.

In “Game mode”
Under “Graphics settings”

If you’ve added World of Warcraft there, remove it, and reboot. This resolved this issue for me at least.