[Main thread] Nvidia 460.xx driver flickering

It wasn’t for Nvidia Inspector. It doesn’t work like that. You’re setting driver options with it that are normally just hidden from the main Nvidia Control Panel but can be modified in settings. There’s no 3rd party program running and even if you left it running it wouldn’t matter as NI doesn’t affect WoW itself, just how the driver treats WoW.


You could be totally correct, I just wanted to put that out there just as a warning. The pc I play on is only ever used for WoW and I’ve had nothing new in it for a year until NPI. Blizzards policy doesn’t let me know what really caused the ban but that’s all I can assume it was unless it was a mistake on blizzards end.

Just keep appealing the suspension until they tell you no more will be heard.

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Sadly they have already told me no more. I will probably not come back to the game until the lighting issues are fixed anyways.

It’s really demoralizing to see that this has still not been resolved or commented on much by Blizzard :frowning:


I wasn’t getting the flickering and then I updated the drivers yesterday and immediately regretted my choice. Had to turn off raytracing to get the flickering to stop.

Right, I’m just it had nothing to do with the hacks they probably found. :roll_eyes:

Had to wipe & reload today so I decided to just go back to 456.71 and be done with it until nvidia decides they care enough to fix it. On the plus side I only updated my drivers to fix the trees/bush problem in Cyberpunk and it looks like CDPR actually fixed that in a patch so I’m good on older drivers lol

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If you want to go a little newer the 457.51 drivers are the last stable drivers with no flickering. I’ve been running them and will continue to until they fix this.

Thanks for the CP info, I guess I can play it again with the older drivers haha.

I mean you don’t have to believe me and I’m not really here to start an argument about my ban. I wanted to put this warning on here cause I know I’ve used nothing but NPI.

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I appreciate the warning, I’m not willing to do the profile inspector since I’d rather wait for a official fixed than do what seems like a registry hack.

Good luck with getting it reversed

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Yup, I saw them pop up while playing in Ardenweald, only on a few areas though, not as major as before, but sadly its still there. : (

I have had some luck with capping framerates to 85-90. A friend told me they never have experienced this. They have an older ultrawide with lower refresh rate so they cap at 90 which is a little under the refresh rate.

My monitor is 144Hz so I capped my FPS at 140. I found some flickering and tried 90 FPS cap. It greatly reduced it. Tried 85 and I barely see any. I am not playing as much as I used to, but I have flown around each zone and done multiple raids with out dramatic flickering. I still see some flickering in Bastion like the platform the last boss is on. None in Ardenweald. I am using the 461.40 drivers with a 2080 Super. Like always YMMV but I hope this might help a few of you!

Edit: it is worth noting I often wasn’t at the 140 cap. Often I would be around 90Fps, but capping it there did in fact make a difference.

NI isn’t a registry hack. It’s just a way to access driver features many of which used to be available in the Nvidia Control Panel but were later hidden but still in the driver. Users of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X from 2006 for example have been using it for years with the DX10 patches to get some amazing SSAA and Aniso distance optimizations. Think of it more like god or admin mode for the Nvidia Control Panel.

No one seems to be mentioning it lately, but running DX11 instead of 12 gets rid of all the flickering. No need to quit wow.

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It doesn’t get rid of it. It masks it for a little while, but it comes back, just not as bad. The only thing currently that gets rid of it is to uninstall your current nVidia drivers and reinstall an old version such as 457.51 which is the last stable driver version before nVidia messed it up.


Just noticed the 461.72 available from late last week. Big yikes that the flickering issue still isn’t fixed, per its notes. It’s been months.

What is Nvidia even doing? Are they waiting for something from Blizzard to narrow the issue?


Bump for this, still broke. Again had to revert back to the 458 drivers…

The 461.81 hotfix driver they just released also does not fix the issue, I had to change the setting with NVIDIA Profile Inspector again after installing this driver to check.

And again, Blizzard is still waiting for nVidia to fix their driver issue.