Disabled “shader cache” in the NVIDIA Control Panel and changed to “double buffering” in advanced system settings (in-game) and have not had any trouble so far. I’ve been running around Ardenweald for over two hours and it seems good.
I only just started getting this flickering issue in the last 4 or 5 days.
I have changed nothing on my end.
Anyone know why it would suddenly start?
Experiencing this issue with my ASUS ROG STRIX-GTX1070-8G-GAMING using Nvidia GeForce v461.40 x64 (Win10). Previous Nvidia GeForce v457.30 x64 (Win10) did not have the issue. Turning Shader cache off for the game in the Nvidia control panel did not fix the issue for me.
Been affected by the same flickering as every one here. Have the 460.89 drivers, and haven’t messed with them too much. I tried a few options and ended up just settling with trees flickering, and some random stuff doing so. I could ignore most of it cause it was background and I’m not always in the same areas. (Though it was flickering in Broken Shore too. That was interesting, at the Demon Hunter FP.) I figured I’d wait for NVidia or Blizzard to come through with a fix.
But tonight it seems to have moved to Sludgefist’s floor effects. The destructive stomp circle is flickering after more pools are on the ground and the falling rubble swirls as well. I’ll keep an eye out for what else, but tonight is the first time I’ve seen that happen.
(Running a GTX 1060 3GB)
I don’t really have much information to add that others haven’t mentioned (mostly just looking to keep the thread alive), but I’ve experiencing these issues as well. Environments flicker, especially trees or generally foliage on the ground.
I’m running a GTX 1060 6GB, version 461.40.
Has anyone upgrade to the new release 461.72 (came out today)? I’m afraid to do it since last time it completed borked everything for me.
Not as of yet good sir,
I finally manually re-installed an older Driver version last night after playing with the flickering for weeks. Yesterday gave me such a bad headache after a few hours of playing with it that I just couldn’t take it any more. It got to the point where it was like playing with a strobe light on at times.
Anyway, like many posts said I just rolled back my driver to a pervious version (V457.30) and it fixed the issue.
I’m holding hope that the new driver version doesn’t have it but will hold off downloading it until some people can confirm
Release notes still specifically mention WoW flickering as an open issue, so it’s reasonably safe to say they haven’t set the flags back or implemented an alternative fix. Though they do mention that some application flickering has been tended to so perhaps it’s not as bad (for what little that may be worth).
I just did. On a new rig. Took a flight through Ardenweald and did not see any flickering. Not sure if fixed.
It isn’t. Just had the issue in Revendreth with my Pally and then my DH as well.
I can’t believe we’re through another release with no fix. Top kek nvidia. I guess we continue using an oudated driver.
Strange that this wouldn’t be promptly addressed for a game as big as World of Warcraft.
Yeah not fixed. Someone on the EVGA forums mentioned it not being fixed and that this driver is literally the hotfix driver from a couple weeks ago that didn’t fix it, just with 3060 support added.
Hi folks. I’ve been having flicking issues as well and turning the DirectX 12 option in the advanced graphics tab of the game to DirectX 11 resolves my flickering issue. Hopefully this is a temporary solution for you as well.
I updated to the new driver and haven’t seen any flickering today in Ardenweald or the Maw. We’ll see how it plays out over the weekend.
461.72 released on 2/25/2021 - RTX 3080 ftw3 ultra
still flickering, as has been the case for months now.
I worry about people who might be susceptible to seizures. I am not at risk but the flickering can be very intense. just did a quest for the kyrian covenant at the winterqueen’s throne. The lotus (or whatever it was behind her) was flickering like crazy and was especially distracting as it was such a prominent feature in a small room.
I have not been able to play end game content since last year. I do have seizure problems and have to steer clear. This sucks.
Still an issue it seems. I get hopeful every driver update this will be fixed… it doesn’t look like it’s going to be. Losing hope. Really wish we could get a blue response.
I would use caution when thinking about nvida profile inspector. It definitely fixes the issue but after 2 months of using it no problem, a week ago I got a permanent ban for using a 3rd party program. I really wish this issue would be addressed by blizzard more cause even if I rebought shadowlands and started all over, the game is still unplayable for me due to the flashing causing health issues.
Blizzard has been working with nVidia to fix it, but nVidia are the ones who have to actually do the coding, and they are taking their sweet time. At least nVidia stated that they know of the issue and it is on their end to fix it.