It’s still broken, and I literally had a seizure from the flickering a few minutes ago from the flickering. Please tell me that something is being done. This thread is 4 months old now
You would have to ask Nvidia that.
This is the largest video game company in the world with an issue on one of the top two games in the world, with the most players in the world…Nvidia needs to fix this crap & Blizzard needs to be on them to do so!!!
Did you do a clean install? I did and my issue appears to have cleared up.
That’s not a fix the issue will come back. Read a bit in this thread.
I’m getting the same issue, and was going to post about it until I saw this lovely thread.
Interestingly, I didn’t have this issue back in December, but now I am after updating my graphics driver to the latest version (my card is a 1080). What’s also interesting is I also just reset my Nvidia graphics settings back to default, so perhaps I had some setting, uh, set that managed to help me avoid the issue back in December.
It appears that setting the in-game shadows to low fixed it for me, so thanks for that suggestion. Perhaps I’ll fiddle around with the Nvidia settings again, to see if I can set them back to what I had them. Maybe that’ll fix things for me so I can put those sweet, sweet shadows back at high.
Coming back to see if there was a new update and a fix, doesn’t seem like it. The last update fixed a lot of the flickering in the Maw and Revendreth for me, but Ardenweald is still a party.
Hoping for a new driver update this week…
Still an issue for me as well, it happens a bunch in the emerald dream arena when I push against the gate before match starts. Seemingly random in most places, notice it a lot in flight paths taxi while in bastion.
Add me to the list. My just started maybe a month or 2 ago. Thought is was something with ray tracing on WoW even though it is turned off for me. I have a 1080 Ti. Flickers mostly in Ardenwald and other areas. I forget the ones but seemed like mostly with brighter greens and blues.
while i know this is nVidia’s issue, would be great if there was any update to Blizz from them that can be shared. this has been an ongoing issue for quite a long time now.
Three months now.
Ever since nVidia did their update for Cyberpunk 2077.
Reasonably, what do you expect them to say? “Hey guys, we’re still correctly passing things to the renderer but a driver hack with a known, since-removed fix on NVidia’s part is still screwing things up. See you tomorrow when the situation is still outside of our direct control!”
That it’s listed as a known issue with NVidia means Blizzard has done their part, as have the users. All we can do now is wait until NVidia does their part (which will be shown in release notes if and when it ever happens), or use NPI to do it for them.
Actually this bug has been around probably x 3 that. Blizz has done a pretty good job ignoring the issue, blaming nividia, and keeping people placated with BS.
AT this point it seems its pretty apparent blizz thinks this is NVIDIA responsibility , and NVIDIA thinks blizz is at fault. Who actually knows who is responsible? It is really hard to say.
But I will say this. This is how Blizz treats game issues nowdays. Deflect, blame your system, blame NIVIDIA, accept no responsibility. For anything that pertains to THEIR GAME.
Even NVidia actually acknowledged that it is an NVidia driver issue. Read the whole thread or at least do a little bit of research before making yourself sound ignorant. There have been similar bugs in the past but this one has to do with drivers.
Okay angry little guy let me educate you. This issue has been around since the start of BFA. Literally. Now some drivers / patches deal with this issue more than others.
Anyways this song and dance has been going on for years. Blizzard blames them, they blame blizzard, and spiderman meme continues.
This has literally been history repeating itself over and over for 2 + years. I get it’s frustrating…
Nvidia has already stated this is their fault and they’re working on it. There is chat on the official NVidia boards, on the /r/NVidia subreddit, and in the patch notes from a couple (maybe 3) of the newer drivers that still state its an issue.
This isn’t the Spider-Man meme, Blizzard did their part, users have done their part, now Nvidia needs to do theirs.
I’d recommend reading through some of this thread (yes, I understand its long) and you will find links to backup what the previous poster and now myself are trying tell you.
You can do some sort of NIP profile fix that is supposedly what the new drivers broke, there are a few people in this thread that have had success with that as well as post how to do it and links as well.
latest patch makes the outside entrance near sanguine depths = black screen, only can see UI lol
Then why has Nvidia stated it was an issue on their end, and they were working on a resolution for it? Also, it has only been around since they updated the Nvidia drivers for Cyberpunk 2077, not for 9 months, or as you put it in another post, since the beginning of BfA. Please don’t spread misinformation.
Angry little guy? You are the one getting angry at everyone. No, there have been similar issues but this specific flickering problem did not exist until the Shadowlands pre-patch at the earliest. Anything prior to that was something else. Just because one bug resembles another bug, it does not mean that it’s the same one.