[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

I’m patched to 56162. Program is still slowly leaking.

(Does Blizzard need help diagnosing memory issues? I also suggest using static analysis with PVS-Studio, Coverity and SonarCloud.)

How many people here are Gms? just out of curiosity?

I’ve seen no blue post or anything indicating that blizzard knows about this, yet i’m seeing half my guild and the trade chat having crashes non stop, i’ve had at least about 20 crashes since yesterday, some happened in the log in screen and honestly, i’m about to try some other game, cause this is unplayable.


I don’t think they’re even reading these forums and are just ignoring the issue. People should start making in game tickets to draw attention to the matter if they’re not going to acknowledge it.

And despite what some forum MVPs might tell you, you will absolutely get an automated response at first, so just hit that “I still have a problem” button, because the automated response isn’t going to be an actionable solution.


Add me to the list with this problem. Just started happening since yesterday. Feels related to the warbank or inventories in some way. Might be addon related.


Its definitely not addon related. It still happens to me even with all addons disabled.


yeah, i got that in practice a few times over the years, in my last attempt to report, during the bugged items causing crash(1~2 weeks ago) i got some 'smart ss’ sending me the items to half my chars and reported him.
my first 3 responses were 100% bot like and the last response was, “srry, the char can’t be found anymore” … cause well, if u gonna do cr
p u r likely to delete the char … they took so long to respond to the issue that the ‘thieves’ were long gone.

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Blizzard CS has seriously tanked in quality some years ago and seem more interested in damage control of their image over actually improving how helpful they are. I’ve had several run ins with them where they’ve done absolutely nothing to resolve my issue and I was left either having to deal with it entirely on my own, or to ignore it entirely. So I am not the least bit surprised that they’re ignoring this issue now too.

Some people here will defend them tooth and nail, claiming the automated responses are “a bad rumor”, but it’s kinda hard to call something a rumor when you’ve seen the same canned response word for word several times from different GMs


They probably don’t care, as always. I would advise everyone to just spam creating support tickets until they get the message.

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Since GMs don’t have anything to do with bug reporting, this is terrible advice.


Technical Support is my new home until this issue gets resolved.



Yep. Been an on-going issue, and several others, even another forum i’m following for this issue. It’s insane, go from being able to play fine, to worrying about when my games gonna crash due to it using way more memory than it should be.

Since the last update that the game had (11.0), I keep getting errors, the most notable of which are those of insufficient memory or simply an error as such, I saw that in the EU forums there is a similar topic and a Blizzard agent answered citing an article by What to do in case of insufficient memory and this is where I ask myself, 32GB and I have insufficient memory? When they make answers like this it makes me think that we are talking to pure bots sincerely, I hope that it is only something that happens to me and is not a problem in general, because it is quite annoying and literally makes the game impossible to play currently.

You might want to move this to the Tech Support forum.

If something is causing a memory leak - yes.

Same issue, it also deleted my bar profile, so ya theres that

There are lots of threads already there about this issue. It’s pervasive and prevalent enough that it looks more like an actual bug in the Windows client, but there are also lots of Bug Reports posts about this.

The value of asking about it here would be if one of the SFAs could confirm whether the developers are aware of it, but I understand this isn’t usually part of their duties. But the absolute silence from the development team or their CM representatives causes significant anxiety and frustration in the player base.


solid point

Yeah I get it. The problem is affecting my system too - but I’ve been having memory issues popping up in Diablo IV lately and figured it’s my 13 year old PC telling me it’s time for upgrades :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just wiped to the “leak boss” for the first time.

Is there any data/info we’re able to provide to help narrow down the issue?
I’m not very PC literate… does the computer store logs or anything which would provide any worthwhile information?


4 years ago they forgot to put a code in game. Same thing happened this time.
Nothing you can provide will help them do their job…