[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

I’m having the same issue as well. No way can it be my computer. It’s barely 3 years old and I spent good money on this thing. Anyone have a confirmation from blizzard about this being a known issue yet?

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Same here. Funny I’ve been playing Diablo 4 the past couple of days and that game stresses my system out way more than WoW. Figured maybe one of my sticks finally went bad but I guess not.

This is still occurring. The game is unplayable in its current state. Will respond every day until this is fixed.

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I’ve got the same problem. It’s happened 5 times or so.

I’m glad it’s not just me.


The game has a serious memory leak. I use a performance monitor and the memory that WoW uses has increased and slowly climbs til it runs out.


This issue also posted on EU forums.

I have 32GB on Windows 11 64bit.

Unfortunate we pay subscriptions fees for testing (poorly tested) Blizz production code.


the problem with this leak is that i noticed it doesnt happen all the time. i’ve been afk in ohn 'arhran plains and i havent seen my memory spiked. so it doesnt trigger when idling. something content wise is triggering it.

Mine does this and it also keeps scanning and repairing and redownloading portions over and over.

Psure its redownloaded the entire game 3 or 4 times in a couple days

i am having that problem with that memory leak for wow too

Glad i checked here and saw this thread.
I had the game crash with memory twice now.
once yesterday 8/15/2024 and this morning 8/16
This morning I was looking at my bank and got the out-of-memory popup.


Im relieved im not the only one.


I can also confirm, I came here looking for what I experienced last night. I couldn’t even play and just went to bed. Glad it’s not just me.

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I highly recommend everyone dealing with this issue start putting in tickets with support, because they don’t seem to be acknowledging it here despite how many posts there are about it both on the US and EU forums.

Here to say I also have been having this issue for the last 3 days (basically since the patch this week).

32GB of ram eaten up in less than a second. Doesn’t matter what I do, where I am or if I’m in a party. Reinstall does not work, disabling addons does not work, changing graphics settings does not work.

I use Fedora 39 (Linux), but I feel like this is not an OS isolated issue based on the mass amount of reports across all platforms.

I just got this and it’s never happened to me before. The game was fine before today, besides some odd map issues.

This is still occurring today.


This is getting me an hour of play at a time instead of crashing every 15 minutes, thanks.

For anyone wondering, this isn’t a hardware issue, this COULD be related to driver issue, but since i just updated my driver yesterday and didn’t improve at all, i doubt it.

There doesn’t seem to have a single configuration affecting this error, i(and others) tested multiple configurations ranging from versions of DX, those extras settings on/off, higher res vs lower, addons fully disabled.
No setting seems to reduce the error at all and it seems to me to be random and/or being triggered by something coming from the server or from the launcher.

The game crashes sometimes even at the login screen.
Sometimes the game generates the error but keeps working IF u don’t click the button on the “not enough memory” window.

Yep, happened to me too, multiple times over the past few days. I’ve sort of taken it as a default at this point but it really should NOT be happening. And if it’s happening now before the expansion even launches, what’s going to happen when it does?

Happened to me as well just now.
I have 32GB RAM on Windows 11 64bit.