[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

It’s not resolved. leaks memory.

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My launcher says the current version is

Same here; it patched about 7:20pm.

I have no idea what is happening here, but it crashes saying I have no more available memory… my memory isn’t even capped while running the game, so I have no idea why it is doing this?


yea, I crashed earlier with the same error… I have 64GB of memory, so that def aint the problem!


Oh good, def isn’t me then. Was starting to worry something on my PC was dying @_@


I’ve had the same issue. At first I kept getting the in game “addons causing issues” window. I turned off all of my addons since I was just sitting in Valdrakken. I reloaded and got that window two more times. Then I started getting the “no memory left” disconnects. I’m still trying to trouble shoot. The last time it happened I was sitting in Val working on clearing up Plater and WeakAura profiles after I turned those back on. May just let some time go by and see if people with a better skillset than mine push a fix either client side or addon side as I’m not sure where the problem lies.


In all my years playing wow I’ve never had this problem. I keep getting this today. 64 GB of RAM. According to Windows, WoW is taking up around 9-10 GB of memory when this occurs.

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Turn off “optional GPU Features” and “Advanced Work Submit” in Graphics> Compatibility settings

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I’ve had what I can only assume is a memory crash as well multiple times today, but I will give this a shot and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion.

Edit: Yeah, the game isn’t pretty now by any stretch but it’s playable. Hopefully it holds up.

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I have turned those two off, yet it still crashed after playing for some time, saying not enough memory.

Yep, issue with the update. Happens in classics as well. Would love to see this recognized as a known issue.


same issue here. never seen that error before. def not a “memory” issue on my end lol


Happening to me as well, posting here to get more attention to this problem. Would love to see a blue post confirming they’re aware of it.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I had already turned these off based on suggestion in another thread to try and alleviate some of the poor framerate issues that are plaguing the game now. So this doesn’t seem to be the issue here, for me at least.

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for the record my PC is a solid built gaming pc. no issues for the past 2 years. havent even experienced anything technical related until today when my game crashed saying wow was out of memory. i have 64GB of ram. theres no way i run out of memory.

there must be a leak, and blizzard devs need to look into it. my character was idling in valdrakken when my game crashed. before that i was pvping for an hour. so it must have taken awhile for it to happen to me. yesterday i played the game fine all day. so this is only happening today.

pc specs:
AMD 7950x
Nvidia RTX 4090
64GB of 6000mhz ram


Nothing I try is working to alleviate the issue. It just happens randomly no matter what I’m doing, what zone I’m in, and with WoW as the only program/task running.

Also happening for me
32gb DDR4 RAM
Only ~40% overall system memory utilization, just got “no more available memory”

We got a memory leak somewhere?


Ah ha! I had just installed an m2 driver day before yesterday and this issue started popping up today. Naturally I thought maybe it had something to do with it. Guess not! I have 32gb of ram myself. I get like… over a hundred, maybe several hundred, event id 2004 errors in Event Viewer all spammed in the space of half a minute or so.

Yes, same problem! Please fix.