[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

I just had three back to back crashes in the last 20 minutes

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Do not post garbage like this when this issue is clearly NOT resolved.

lol i just tried to sign on my memory on my PC went skyrocketing the moment wow starts up so for me wasn’t fixed but o well i took a break from wow and got back into Diablo 4

I recommend everyone dealing with this issue start creating tickets with CS about this issue. This is a problem with the game itself and nothing that anyone here can assist with, so the only way any actual fixes can be made is if the GMs are made aware of whats going on and can bump the info up to the people in charge of that stuff.

And yes, despite what some might tell you, you will get a canned, automated response at first. Just hit “I still have a problem” when it comes in, and make sure you get an actual response before you close the ticket.


I created a ticket a few days ago when this first started for me, it’s still awaiting a reply. Hoping that’s a good sign and that a bunch of people are submitting tickets.

Tickets are the wrong answer. GMs can do nothing about a bug in the client software, not even forwarding a bug report.


If it draws attention to it, that’s all that matters. Saying “lol do nothing” isn’t solving anything, and they’re not paying attention anywhere else.

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The main attention it draws is making your account likely to be actioned for GM harassment. It’s completely counterproductive to your stated purpose of getting the bug fixed and comes across more as low-key extortion.

Not a good look or a good plan. Post in the bug report forum and wait, because that’s literally the only thing you can do that will help.

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Using the designed help feature to request help is extortion now? The mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion is astounding.


When the GM response comes back (after being delayed needlessly by your advice to fruitlessly choke the queues) saying “put in a bug report”, what are you planning to do? Continue to wage your pointless war until they ban you? Do what you should have from the outset and put in the bug report?


What I do from that point on really is none of your business and adds nothing to topic either. I’m not telling anyone to harass a GM, I’m telling them to put in reports if they want to get their issue noticed, because it won’t get noticed here.


Well, certainly, not here in Tech Support, because this is not the correct venue for bug reports either.

Here is the support article outlining the only way Blizzard will accept bug reports.

Please not the conspicuous absence of any mention of submitting a GM ticket.

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I’m all for people putting in a bug report as well, but it’s safe to assume people have already done that, and yet there’s still no blue post addressing it, or even a mention on the known issues list despite it being a very wide spread issue.

there was a memoryleak in beginning of dragonflight with professions. to this date. its still not fixed either.

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And GM harassment helps how? The GMs have nothing – literally nothing – to do with bug reporting or fixes. They’re not even in the same state as the developers.

You’re yelling at the counter person at Wendy’s because you don’t like the recipe Corporate uses for their ranch dressing.

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Attention drawn to the issue gets eyes on it, simple as that. And your analogy is terrible, this isn’t an issue of me not liking something about the game. This is an issue about the game not working, and nothing being done about it.

The division implied is the correct takeaway you clearly refuse to accept, so I will stop trying to talk you out of wasting a lot of peoples’ time.

It won’t help, it will only hurt, and you’re never going to accept that because of your groundless belief that the universe has to work they way you want it to.

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And I’m sure there’s nothing I can say that will convince you that defending the multi-billion dollar company on a public forum is a fruitless effort, so on stopping this conversation we can agree on. As you said, the GMs reading the tickets aren’t the same people who will be directly working on the issue anyways, so them having to go through some extra tickets (Which, lets be honest, this thread is not going to make a significant impact on in either direction) isn’t going to “hurt” the issue at hand here.

I sent a complaint on twitter @BlizzardCS - they responded that the issue has been passed along.


It seems they resolved the issue. On my end at least, I haven’t had any crashes since this post went out. Dunno why they haven’t had anyone mention it here on the US side of things, but at least they’ve attempted a resolution for it.