[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

I had this recently. I removed the three directories in mentioned in the Blizzard troubleshooting post for such issues.

The game would stall or freeze or crash.

After following the steps, I’ve not seen the problem since. So I recommend trying that at least.

Downloading 11.0 somehow changed my render scale, causing similar crashes. Look at your graphics options and make sure your render scale is at 100%.

Interesting. I’ve been having this issue. Here I thought it was my PC.

It is most definitely a memory leak. You can see it build suddenly before you get spammed with event ID 2004’s. Nobody seems to know what is causing it though. It’s never happened outside Valdrakken for me, but it hasn’t happened enough for me to be confident in any pattern.

I’m literally just sitting in Dalaran doing nothing, but watching YouTube, on my second monitor, and have the resource window open on the same window as WoW and i’m literally just watching it climb for being idle in the city started out at 4,800,2 MBs and just climbed passed 6,700,1 MBs doing nothing but being idle in the last 20 or so minutes. Watching it every now and then, it still climbs more and more.

I wasn’t getting the crashes as often. I got one the other night and thought maybe i did something, So i just reboot game and was fine for a bit, then logged off for the night. Got up and not even 30 or minutes into playing it did it again. It’s only happened twice for me so far. But i haven’t been online much so i haven’t really been able to tell until now.

Most addons are disabled until TWW cause i do nothing but mog/mount runs so i don’t really need anything running.

I have been monitoring when it happens. It jumps up 30+ Gb memory when it happens.

What do you call that if not a memory leak? I have screenshots of the process in htop showing the usage.

It’s also worth noting I just tried turning off those settings mentioned. “Optional GPU Features” and “Advanced Work Submit”. I’m still waiting to see if that makes a difference. Every time it’s happened to me so far has been after the game has been running for between 1 and 1.5 hours, at varying points in that range.

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https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/not-enough-memory-message-and-crashing-since-110-patch/528912/85. Hopefully this is fixed now


I’ll let others test it first. Someone replied saying now their whole PC just freezes now. I wont risk it lol

What do you call it when it hits then?

All that means is it’s a memory leak and we haven’t identified the specific trigger(s) involved.

Please don’t be pedantic when people are having an issue. If it doesn’t affect you, and it’s somehow relevant (like it rules something specific out as a cause) by all means chime in, but if it doesn’t affect you, and that means nothing, we would benefit if you simply said nothing.

You seem to be missing the point: this error is being thrown at people regardless of it being a memory leak or not.

… what are you talking about? I literally said:

How am I at all being pedantic when it’s an issue regardless of it showing a memory leak???

… it is affecting me… my goodness… why is reading so difficult around here? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We would benefit if you’d stop being condescending and read the actual information I was giving on this issue to begin with and letting people know that it IS an issue for people regardless of memory leak or not.

If you have an issue that is not the game truly taking up your system’s memory, then you are having an issue separate from what is being reported.

There are people who’s entire computer is going down because it’s chewing up all the available memory. I’m personally watching the process grab 30+ Gb of RAM. My PC doesn’t crash out at that level so I can easily see that it takes that RAM and keeps it.

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Incorrect. Myself and others have seen the memory leak error message pop up and there be no actual memory leak. It’s been talked about in the bug reports forum, as well. And that’s what OP’s thread is about.

And that’s not what OP’s thread is about. It’s about the memory leak error that is and is not crashing the game only and has been an issue since Tuesday.

The steps to fix it from other threads are hit or miss and it’s frustrating for all of us. Please read the other threads to understand what this is about and understand this thread was moved to Tech Support from its original location.

I’m not going to derail this problem further with bickering. I gave the facts of the matter. I’m leaving it at that.

So far since disabling the two options in Graphics ("Optional GPU Features” and “Advanced Work Submit”), I haven’t seen another instance of the immediate spike up. Just what looks like normal memory consumption

And FYI, the original post of yours I replied to said

It’s not a memory leak

And now you said

It’s about the memory leak error

So, I’ll take my leave, as I have nothing further nor polite to contribute.

Game hasn’t crashed since they announced this, so it looks like things are finally resolved. Will be back to yell into the void if not, but its been a few hours now and the game is still running fine.

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Ill second this… Been online for a good while, and no issues. 0 Spikes in Memory gain too! Here’s to hoping it keeps up wth this!

Can anyone tell me why the EU mods seem to be much more active and responsive than any of the NA mods???

Yryadorne usually works the EU, but will sometimes cover CS when the regs are off. Kaivax is mainly US, but will sometimes cover EU.

Judging by posts, I would not think either tech support forum is more posted in then another. Many of the Blue posts in both forums are necro posts.

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A update in the past has led to a memory issue that can effect peoples computers when they go to play wow. It will show that your using over the amount of Memory that your PC is allowed and tell you the way to fix it is to close world of warcraft. I made a reddit page and their is ALot of players that are being effected by it…me I left wow for the time being till this issue is addressed I will not risk my computer over a game even if I love that game alot.

https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1etjidu/is_anyone_else_getting_a_message_saying_wow_is/ the reddit I made that has way to many people having this issue and it is not a good thing for world of warcraft to have since it prevents people from playing
