[Main thread] Castle Nathria Lag

so in shriek (7:29 pst), we were experiencing mild lag, like .2-.5 seconds which is almost normal on tuesdays, by the time we pulled lady inerva around 8 pm pst, we were at atleast 2 second lag, and it then got aggressive at artificer (8:30) and we wiped to Council when we pushed the first boss to 17% without getting a dance to reset stacks this was at 9:08 pst

7:30 to 9:08pm tonight, it was really rough with the lag spike, even our last pull we had to call it quits. I cannot play anymore tonight or trust with any instances tonight with this unplayable lag spikes.

My guild has had issues with something similar to this the last few weeks. Some information I’ve gathered from the issue which we have experienced on our consistent raid nights from 7:00 PST - 10:30 PST tues/thurs:

  • The lag primarily manifests in stuttered rendering/delayed ability usage, generally stuttering every second or so.
  • This lag only occurs in Castle Nathria. None of us are experiencing this issue (visibly) outside the raid, even in other instanced content.
  • The first time we observed this issue was Tuesday Dec 29th from 7:00 - 10:30 PST. Since that date we have observed the problem as a raid group on every Tuesday/Thursday night at the same time.
  • Some fights are better/worse than others. The beginning of Sire Denathrius is particularly bad (all 3 weeks) while other fights like Huntsman Altimore are much less severe - even to the point where some of our players no longer notice the issue.
  • This issue does not seem to be at the same severity for each person experiencing it, some members only have minor stuttering while others describe their performance as “a slide show”.
  • We could not determine any hardware similarities between members of our team having the issue (some have Nvidia cards while others have AMD, some have WoW on an SSD while others do not, etc).
  • Disabling all addons had no effect on the issue.
  • Reducing graphical settings had no effect on the issue.
  • Reinstalling the game had no effect on the issue.
  • The lag feels consistently less severe on Thursday night (7:00-10:30 PST) than on Tuesday nights (7:00-10:30 PST).
  • The lag was present in both Normal and Heroic. I have not been able to experience the lag in LFR, even minutes following experiencing it in my guilds raid (although with a different raid group via the group finder).
  • WinMTR reports run against (the US West IP provided on the battle.net page for troubleshooting internet issues) during the raid showed 0% packet loss and an average ping of 40 across our entire raid night (7:00 -10:30 PST on January 19th). This is quite close to my usual ping outside of raid which usually sits at around 37ms.
    EDIT: Some additional things worth mentioning:
  • All members of our group are from the Lightbringer-US server.
  • Our group size has been very consistently between 20 and 25 players. The exact amount hasn’t seemed to impact the issue.
  • The issue typically only occurs during combat. Once combat is over it usually vanishes entirely.

Thanks for looking into the issue and hopefully you can fix it soon - it makes our warriors very sad.


I too have experienced bad lag for the past 3 weeks in Castle Nathria. It’s very frustrating.

Raid had to be called early tonight due to these issues.
This is not a modem or personal net issue as our raid as a whole is experiencing this problem. Massive lag in our raid starting around 7:30PM PST on Hyjal. I clipped a huge lag jump from my stream to show us skipping around and you can see how choppy it is. I am unable to share links here but can provide if needed.

This has been happening for multiple weeks on Tuesday nights but tonight was the worst.

Posted on Tuesday, posting again today on Wednesday 8:24 EST on Proudmoore, doing heroic tonight, massive lag again. H Sire at 8ish est was fine, next boss we did was huntsman, becomes laggy for the entire group halfway through.

Our guild is experiencing horrible instance lag every Tuesday evening from around 530-730PST on the Uldum realm. Other guilds are also complaining about it in general chat. No one is having any issues with their latency or FPS, this is just affecting us while in Castle Nathria at certain times. It seems to come in waves, sometimes with delays as much as 2-3 seconds while everyone’s ping and and fps are showing normal. It has lasted for hours before. This is crippling our progression and wasting our time, and we would very much like it to be resolved.

Thanks for your report, Swells. If you can run WinMTR and provide us with logs, it will help us track down the issue.

This looks like another instance of this issue here: [Main thread] Castle Nathria Lag. Lots of people are having it at this point - usually entire raid groups having the issue specifically in Nathria and bad on Tuesday.

Lagging right now on Wyrmrest Accord - everything is effected. Movement, Spells, Raid bars all lag in choppy 3 second delays. This has been ongoing every night since xmas

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Lagging right now on Nordrassil 8:34 EST was lagging all night yesterday.

SAme thing . LAgg ing right now . BLoodscalp 740 pm CST.
Every tues wen . every week since patch came out . you must have really pissed some1 off blizz

There was lagging in the Reliquary of Opulence section of LFR prior to 6:50 MST, when the final boss was killed and I left.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for all of the reports so far. The information provided helps us track down and verify where issues are occurring so they can get resolved.

In order to ensure that we’re getting the right kind of info reported in this thread, I did want to clarify what we’re looking for.

All members of the raid are experiencing stuttering movements / delayed abilities? FPS and latency are reporting normal? YES, report it here…

  • Include the approximate time, boss encounter, difficulty, and a brief description of what you are seeing.

You individually, or only a couple members of the raid, are experiencing lag that is accompanied by high latency? NO, please create a new thread and…

  • Include a WinMTR report run while experiencing the lag.


Entire raid experiencing lag. Also being posted in Local CN chat.
830pm to current (915) EST
We are currently on Council Heroic
Massive ability lag and character lag.

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HOLY WOW. Guys I have been raiding mythic for three expansions. Never have we lost so much time to unplayable lag. We are going to lose every single night this week. I am asking myself why I am paying for something I can’t play. I only mythic raid. Losing entire weeks to an unplayable game is bad. Proudmoore Castle Nathria, every player in our raid


Proudmore Castle Nathria raid is lagging very badly. Has been an ongoing problem for weeks now. Only seems to happen in raid, outside of raid servers seem fine.

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Raiding now, took break early to post about this. Had lag all last night during raid. Had to call it early. Same thing as what everyone else is saying. No latency, no high ms/ping. Just input lag and/or abilities just being delayed in casting. Very frustrating to try and play the game like this.


About a quarter of our raid is getting this now, on Zul’jin.

Proudmoore, Mythic Nathria, Altimor. Started around 6:30-6:45 PST. Input lag for all raiders. Unplayable. WinMTR:

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 37 37 0 0 1 0 0 37 37 0 0 2 0
*.lightspeed.mtryca.sbcglobal.net 0 37 37 1 4 11 2 0 37 37 2 3 33 3 0 37 37 6 9 14 13 0 37 37 6 10 14 12
cr83.sj2ca.ip.att.net 0 37 37 6 6 7 6 0 37 37 7 11 67 8
ae1-br02-eqsv5.as57976.net 0 37 37 17 22 102 17
No response from host 100 8 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host 100 8 0 0 0 0 0
et-0-0-2-br01-swlv10.as57976.net 0 37 37 17 76 379 85
et-0-0-0-pe03-swlv10.as57976.net 0 37 37 17 19 74 17 0 37 37 17 17 18 17