Main reason tanks and healers are not playing or are leaving the game

raider io.
It’s linked to this character.

If the healer dies, usually the group will find a way to survive.

Tanks need love
From their healer
And from their DPS.

By Felicia #wave

ugh ive every mage tower… ive not played a tank in tww but if we count earlier seasons yeah ive got 10s…easily on every class but brewmaster… I just dont like playing them.

If we pretend you’re not trolling, what you’re saying is you got carried. As tank I friend a lot of healers and play with many in discord. They are often among the more intelligent players I meet (the ones push8ng high keys anyway), and not one has expressed your opinion. I’ve also never heard this opinion from any of the top streamers. Can we sometimes finish a pull after healer dies? Yes, but only sometimes. Have groups occasionally experimented with healer going dps for part of a run? Yes, but rarely. Have all the highest keys, along with every MDI winner, included a skilled healer? Yes they have.

This kind of feels like you realized you are talking to someone who has done what you are claiming can’t be done and are now trying to invoke a higher power to give credence to your crumbling argument…

If we improved brewmasrer tanks we could get more tanks in keys. Stop ignoring monk tanks! Make brewmaster tanks great again!

my friend you gotta ignore these trolls, I checked the character he linked, their last run they did 1/2 a mill hps overall with several spikes over 900k their last key and he is trying to say that was unnecessary to the groups success.

I haven’t seen anything from you that shows you know anything about tanking (just words that show you don’t), and the other person is claiming they got carried to 2800 despite never healing anyone but themselves. You’re both sad :troll::troll: and I’m off to enjoy the rest of my day.

Happy Holidays All :v:

Taps the armory as the craven flees. Unable to face the truth :skull_and_crossbones:

130 posts in and all the original post needed to say was “Arseholes!”.

Right in the title for you to see brother. I stopped at 3115 in DF because of the LFG. I would go back. Mythic+ and PvP at high levels of gameplay are beyond outta control and the most sloppy gameplay I have ever witnessed.

Equal to someone insulting you and raging. A warrior at 2200cr today leaped behind a pillar and rage whispered me telling me I’m bad.

2011 player here. Thinking about letting go for a long time.

Anytime you want to have a serious conversation about the health of wow everyone reverts to “stop complaining”. There is clearly a massive problem on both PvE & PvP because the outrageous levels of rage is unbelievable to me.

Different types of difficulty.

Doing GOOD dps while not failing mechanics is at least equally hard, but DPS don’t have to do good dps to succeed in most content.

The skill floor to be successful when healing non-trivial content is much higher than the dps skill floor.

Tanks are free in comparison to both. But they get different kinds of responsibility that makes people not want to play them.

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I said the bar for acceptable performance is so low because people will find a way to live.

I wouldn’t be sure on that because dps can keep themselves alive through a lot if they try.

It’s like how some tanks now need heals, but others? they’re still unkillable because they have skill.

The bulk of the player base doesn’t have skill, so healers can pretend to be useful.

Even in normal dungeons, it’s that bad. Was playing rDruid and got to The Darkness fight and we literally couldn’t clear it because all the DPS kept pinging the candle and none of them would relight it.

Never had that whole blame game as a healer. Usually I’ll apologize if I misclick a cd and mess up my ramp during aoe checks.

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Main reason i dont look for tanks and healer anymore cuz i can do it my self in delves

Tanks are absolutely playing. There are plenty of tanks. A lot of them, however, do not pug. A lot of healers do not pug.

If given the option, most players–no matter the role–would prefer to group with guild mates. They know one another; nobody is going to have an adult meltdown if someone makes a mistake; and they’re on Discord together and can communicate effectively. It’s more fun all around.

In addition, a given raid group needs two tanks and 3-4 healers. The rest must be DPS specs. The people who main tank and healer specs are outnumbered (obviously) by those who main a DPS spec.

We don’t have a tank and healer shortage. We have a shortage of tanks and healers willing to pug…and that’s an issue for the pugging “community” to work out on its own.


You could have stopped there. People avoid tanking beginning in levelling dungeons. People who sap the fun out of tanking and healing don’t wait until mythics to start being annoying.

I. Agree with you wholeheartedly. It’s one of the main reasons I hardly even log on anymore. :confused: