Main reason tanks and healers are not playing or are leaving the game

How much bs can you squeeze into one run-on sentence?

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To be fair, I have not found much toxicity in pugging 10s. Some, yes, because people are people and some have poor social skills. But 90% of my pug 10s end with “gg” and even some occasional compliments. I always compliment my pug healer when they do good, and every now and then someone says something nice about my tanking. :smile:


Stop referencing Blizzard. Blizzard has been dead and gone for years. Get it through your heads that this is just another garbage Microsoft product now. Do with that what you will.

The truth can burn but it must be faced… I have never been able to clue into how the “hit the cleave button” model of modern tanking is considered difficult by the community. It is right up there with people who crash through stores because they thought they were stomping on the breaks to me.

It was always just blizz… times change.

They are already experiment with content that does not require the traditional trinity roles. I wouldn’t be surprised if they won’t release a game mode with large numbers of players that does not require tanks or healers. And I’d be even more surprised if it does not become more popular than trinity-related content.

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Your comment has no truth in it. Yes, every role can be played at no-skill level. Tanks can blunder into packs with minor defensives. DPS can mash random buttons. Healers can spam basic heals. But no-skill level only gets you so far and all of those roles have opportunities for skill expression far beyond that.

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but for expected performance, healers and tanks are far easier to reach.

just ignore them, they are clearly just someone that buys carries to get achievements so they can troll people on the forums and hide behind it when people question their pathetic takes on tanking and healing.


Expected performance in what content? Not in high keys. Tanking and healing higher keys requires precise play, which is why most players avoid the responsibility.

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You can just say im right but not putting it in a sugary sweet pillow talk way you enjoy. Rather then passive aggressively agreeing with me.

Healing doesn’t require precise play at all.

There’s like one thing you have to do: keep yourself alive. (And that works until maybe 15s?) Everyone else can figure it out on their own somhow.

And instead of killing the boss, you don’t need to do anything else.

You are right for TW and leveling dungeons. I am right for pushing keys.

are you aware they’ve done like NW +15 without a healer already?

No, no your not. You can easily time up to tens by just popping a minor defensive as a tank and walking into mobs. You can argue you gotta hit a aoe or cleave too but assuming your gear isn’t massively under the recommended Ilv your golden.

ONE group of extremely good players managed that. Look at leader boards and you will see 99.9% of top groups - including top NW - used a healer.

You claiming healers only need to keep selves alive is either trolling or proof that you only know trivial content. I’m leaning toward trolling. But hey feel free to link logs of your own timed keys with no healer! Can you produce even one? No? I didn’t think so.

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I heal myself, and if other people are healed, it’s by accident.

And if they die, can always blame those dps instead. (Because usually, there’s something they could’ve done.) The floor for acceptable performance is so low.

No, you cannot. I speak as someone who tanks 20 or more 10s a week between this character I’m posting on and my prot pally alt. Can you post from a character that shows same credentials? No? I didn’t think so.

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In your leveling dungeons, yes.

In m+ keys, of 10-12.

Post that from a character that’s healed a 10?