I’m saving my defensives and interrupts for WoW 2.
Healers adjust.
I’m saving my defensives and interrupts for WoW 2.
Healers adjust.
Dude is a BM hunter main. Can’t make this stuff up.
wow, such an edgelord. Go away!
Sorry but that is absolute BS. If tanking and healing were easier than DPS, everyone would play them.
This argument falls flat on its face and obviously makes no sense.
You’re arguing that 99% of the playerbase flocks in droves to the most challenging role to play in content?
Get a grip. This is by far your worst take I have seen. Normally quite a fan, but this is ridiculous.
I agree but some the most toxic players i know are the “iM aN OG” players who think everyone else is trash. Most newer players are much more chill
Im still new to the game, I always play tank, But I barely play the Mystic Dungeons due to Im still learning the mechanics. I rather play with players that I know than with randoms that way I know what to do.
As a prot war since Vanilla - it’s ALOT to be a tank.
For instance , I’ve learned every boss fight , every mechanic , the best way to position for every dungeon and raid for 20 years .
There are ALOT of dungeons and raids from vanilla to now . Actually, the last time I off tanked for a guild was back in Wrath .
After that i was just burnt. I think I tried again in Warlords for a bit but after a while you just get burnt out learning everything and explaining everything ( in pugs ) and I can’t count the times I’ll get a whisper from the offtank before a pull in a raid asking ‘ hey , what do I do ? ‘
So , for tanks at least , it’s just ALOT of work and studying ( legit studying - watching videos taking notes ! ) and having the right add ons . Until you’ve run them so many times you know everything about them .
So that’s just what it takes baseline to be a decent tank . A lot of actual work and studying goes into it . And TONS of repetition .
Now add the toxicity and the potential to be the focus of blame - getting whispers and critiques .
Now add not being the meta tank for whichever season .
Now add the nerfs to tanks before the season began . ( though honestly I’m not sure this applies to prot wars as nothing really seems that dangerous )
You have to love tanking because it’s the closest thing to a job - actual work - that this game has . Except you’re paying to do it .
I’m not sure there’s a main reason so much as a bunch of little reasons why it’s hard to find a tank.
I haven’t even tried mythics or raids this expansion / season because it just doesn’t seem fun at all .
Maybe make tanking more fun ? That’s the only thing I can think of to increase the pool of tanks .
Nah, there are lots of extremely skilled dps players, same as for tanks and healers. You just don’t often find them in low level content. One thing Blizz has done pretty good at is giving all the roles opportunities for skill expression.
audible kek
I think role doesn’t really matter till mythic dungeons and heroic raiding to be blunt. People flock to dps because its the most straight forward and engaging role. Healing in most circumstances is almost playing on a stop watch and tanking cures insomnia
But if you die to a mechanic yiu were supposed to do because the game targetted you then its your fault
Ive tried heals with all specs and its nothing but anger towards a healer if someone dies. DOesnt matter if its DPS fault. I dont heal any more
Nope. Player’s being jerks towards them is why we refuse to join pugs. Why is this such a difficult concept for this player base to grasp. Be nicer and people will want to play with you.
1-1-4 and adjust enemy health
Well I might dabble in heroic, but m+ has been made " Stressfull" and I am not in to having stress over a darn video game.
You can block that paragraph if it makes you shake in your jammies, but every word is true.
Kind of; it’s because in general, people are toxic toward tanks in healers in any group content. Hell, ANY content. The toon I’m posting on constantly has people pulling world quest mobs over to him so they can get fast credit by flooding me with mobs to tank while they either run off to pull more, or do insanely sad dps.
Most of the WoW community absolutely sucks when it comes to treating their fellow gamers with any sort of decency. I avoid players I don’t know, on all of my toons, like they have the plague. It’s just not worth the frustration to engage the bulk of the population.
Tanks tend to be the most toxic.
We’re not leaving. We just don’t get invited. 617 prot paladin/614 holy. Ive apploed for i don’t even know how many keys or heroic (not even mythic) raids. My full experienc eso far is LFR. I havent gotten accepted to even 1. Already appropriately (of not slightly over) geared for heroic but can’t even get an invite to normal.
The problem isnt that tanks and heals are leaving. Its that people expect us to be mythic raid or +12 geared to run +4s or normal/heroic raids.
I get it. I live the PUG life. No guilds raid during the weekdays. So i know how bad PUGlife is. Yoi can run 6/8 flawlessly and 1 wipe and half the raid leaves so no formal geoup os gonna want to trust someone that isnt as experienced as they are.
But don’t claim We’re not around when you’re looking for us with a blindfold on.
The unwashed masses are the last resort.
So if there’s a stream of 630+ people, why take you?
You’re undergeared for normal and heroic at this point in time. And raids are usually not needing tanks.
I do still love your responses, lol