Main reason tanks and healers are not playing or are leaving the game

I know we are all aware of the problem: long wait times to find a tank or healer for raids or Mythic+ dungeons. I personally believe this is primarily due to the game’s toxicity in keys 8+ and beyond.

As a 627 main healer with 2/8 Mythic raid progression (after farming Ara Kara for two weeks for the Gilded Harbinger Crest), it’s easy to recognize when you’re playing with people who know the mechanics—you finish the dungeon in 18 minutes. But there’s a significant portion of players who don’t know what they’re doing and expect the healer or tank to do all the work, especially on the last boss. And then, they blame you in the end, in the worst way possible.

I want to highlight these past two days in particular. I just want to relax after work and play, but how can I when I get blamed by DPS players who don’t know what to do in a +8, +9, or +10 dungeon? I end up burning all my mana, doing 700M healing, and they still die in the first minute of the boss fight because they don’t know the mechanics. Then they gang up on me, insult me as a group (since they’re all premade). Playing solo feels this frustrating, and I think I’ve reached my limit. I’ll be quitting the game for good (even if it means throwing away the months of subscription I’ve already paid for, but it is what it is). And no, bans are not the solution.

Unfortunately, Blizzard designs these mechanics—I know they look fun, but most people don’t care to learn them; they just want to hit the boss. Blizzard doesn’t care about the player experience, and we can see this in the terrible dungeon rotations we have and the ones that are coming.

I’d rather save myself more frustration and wasted time. I’ll be moving on, probably depressing myself in League—feel free to hit me up for some games if anyone wants to play for laughs.


more healer whining pretending to be about the tank problem

Healer mains are a dime a dozen compared to tank mains


See, this attitude is why toxicity towards tanks is well-earned.


Most of the toxicity is in that 8-10 range. Getting KSM has always been a brick wall for bad players because that’s when they need to start using their entire utility/interrupt toolkit and can’t just brute force through a key based on gear alone. They don’t realize this, and just think the only thing that matters is what’s showing on the dps meter, and project their failures onto the rest of the group. Once you get above KSM people pretty much know what they’re doing, and it relies more on actual coordination.

Also, dps outnumbering tanks and healers is not because of toxicity. It’s because they don’t want the responsibility that is attached to those roles.

Then don’t play solo? Or vet your groups better.


You see, well, there is a problem here. With what you said, i dont even know where to start. So ill just jump right in and be all over the place and just summarize.

Ive never seen the playerbase this toxic before. Yes im what you call a Boomer, but im still OG to this game. People in this game need to learn to calm the hell down. This new generation of “Never my fault and lay the blame on someone else” crap needs to stop. Im not gonna sugar coat anything for you. If you arent ready for the content, guess what? You arent ready for the content. Thats on the player not Blizzard. Does Blizzard have problems! Yes they do. But most of this callout stuff on DPS being the worst players, is the reason why tanks dont want to play tanks. Tanks dont want to listen to the constant berating of others and run drama filled content. Prove me wrong. Healers are the same way. They cant kill the content but have to smash through mana and watch DPS die because the tanks want to pull the population of the dungeon/raid into one big pull and have DPS call them out on letting them die. Same boat, different captain.

Second problem. Min/Maxxing to even get a 1% increase to Damage/Healing/Mitigation. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE THE GOD of everything. If you try to do everything, youre gonna be good at nothing. Focus on your job and play. In the short run people are almost smart enough to know why things go wrong. In the long run people eventually learn from their mistakes.

Third, Blizzard knows what they did wrong with the current content, but calling them out every ten seconds really doesn’t fix anything now does it. You all need to calm the hell down and remember this is only Season 1. Season 1 is always a Dung Show. Always has been. Playing the blame game makes everyone a loser. Generalizing everyone places absolutes on a vast majority of players. Learning or not learning isnt what this game is about. Its about working together. There are some who want to be solo heroes and there are some that are group heroes. How you treat the former or the latter tells more about who you are than what you say about others. Have fun all. Try everything and play what you like.


I think the issue is healing is already easier then dpsing and tanking has a skill bar so low that so long as you manage to randomly hit a minor defensive and walk into the right pack you have accomplished your role up to a 12.

People are so tired of healer and tank ego. Gratz you had a bad pug welcome to pugging.


Dps players just refuse to learn how to do anything in the game


My job is to top the DPS meters not worry about where I’m standing or mechanics I leave that to the easy roles of tanks and healers to figure out.


Can I have your gold?


What? Healers and Tanks dont? Really?

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There’s your problem.
The changes going into S1 TWW favor of sweats and pseuds over chilling.


Not this season

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I see way more dps just not using abilities



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So yeah? Really? So lets just throw them into the garbage and blame all the DPS on not having world peace? Do you even talk to them or just kick them from the group? What do you think this is, Gaming on a Democracy?

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Sounds like you’re better off playing a game that doesn’t have healers or tanks.


Are you a dps who doesn’t use abilities or something cuz boys getting heated

Lol. Hot take but very incorrect.


What does that even mean?

Everyone doesn’t use their abilities.

Fail upwards, until content forces you to play better.

It’s rather correct.


It isn’t though =/