If you’re completely new to tanking then monk is the absolute worst class to try it on first.
I play MW and my throughput is fine. I can usually top a tank off in one or two globals, heavy group damage I just need to heal enough to make sure everyone lives through it.
For monk, make sure you’re always pressing blackout kick off cooldown, and keg smash. You need shuffle uptime to be 100% or you die.
Don’t waste purifying brews when you need it. Under heavy incoming damage and high stagger, wait to purify when it starts to feel dangerous, eg your health starts dropping rather than your stagger getting high. Because of gai plains, your stagger becomes a resource to “death strike”
Likewise, it’s good to use purifying brew even when damage and stagger is low because you get damage (special delivery) and dodge (Elusive brew) from purifying.
Finally, don’t press spinning Crane Kick. It’s not worth it.
Talent into dampen harm and diffuse magic. Take the 2m reduction for fort brew. Use these on big pulls.
Use ring of peace to group up mobs, or save it for big pulls when you need breathing room.
Use vivify before the buff expires. Vivify should be your maintenance healing. Don’t use expel harm unless you absolutely need it. At 5 orbs, and low health, expel harm is like a health pot in that it will top you off completely.
If you take blackout combo, only use it on tigers palm.
Thanks, here’s a question I couldn’t find and answer to: Should I open every pull with provoke, or try to burst DPS and kick and throw kegs first? What is the best way to get maximum threat as soon as possible?
And about spinning crane kick, as I understand, brewmasters have to manage a thing called stagger, to spread out damage, and they ahve a thing called shuffle to increase stagger, and DPS increases stagger, so I wondered if spin is any more effective at shuffling or whatever, when doing AOE.
It is interesting but I think that if you cast a dispel and someone beats you to it, you still have that spell to use. They could do the same with interupts.
They cannot because interrupts are off the gcd.
take 'em off the gcd
You mean put them ON the gcd? that’s the only way it can remotely work.
I play tank/healer to carry bad players, I love carrying people, I feel good when I carry noobs with 1000 io in +10.
If you find carrying people frustrating I dont think tank or healers are for you.
If it’s a loosely spread pack, I’ll sometimes do statue in the middle to group them up, then keg smash breath kegsmahs
It all ties back around to the fact/phrase, “It’s rude to be bad (or suck) at WoW”
It’s a loooong video but it’s honest in it’s critique of the WoW playerbase:
Basic TLDR is that the game’s 20 years old, so naturally expectations of the players are high. Everyone is expected to know the game in-and-out by now.
You could add a 1.5s CD between interrupts but then folks will just macro jt
Only when doing higher keys.
Its rude to get into a +10 and not know your rotation or have any experience in the dungeon.
If interrupts are on the gcd, you can’t macro it.
It’s just really hard sometimes because folks get carried to higher keys and whatnot, or might be overgeared for their skill level.
Maybe some folks play with others that pick up their slack, so they assume they are good enough to progress further than where they actually should be.
Gauging a specific individual’s skill during hard group content is difficult.
Also it tends to vary between classes and specs. Some classes are simply easier and have a lower ceiling than others.
I just think with all the drama around M+ going on, this sort of thing might be happening fairly often.
People also take breaks, and come back not knowing specific dungeons, but still have a decently high IO or whatever so they get invited, and fail.
Sure. But I stand by my point there.
The expectation to know everything isnt prevalent in lower to mid keys. Yes, there are some fringe cases. But generally speaking that expectation to play perfect is not there.
Heck, the expectation to play perfect isnt there at 10s. But a knowledge of your class/dungeon is. And I dont feel its rude to expect people to have an understanding of the situation when going for mythic raid quality loot.
It’s really not lol, it’s no different than asking people for raid clear proof so they can begin doing it on Heroic/Mythic or whatever.
Folks are just sore about being gate-kept, even when the content kinda demands it.
Especially for PuGs.
Personally I think dps is the easy role, all you have to do is dps, CC, and use defensive skills.
Tanks have to do all that and manage mob movement while leading the group through the dungeon.
Healers have to do all the dps role stuff and heal.
I have no words that is nice enough to throw here. So Im writing this as a way to react without unleashing my thoughts as that would be… unproductive and not helpful.
Is this just a notice me post then?
Why post if you have no thoughts or opinions to share?