Outside of just flat out dps checks it’s still the same responsibilities for healers. Still have to deal with the same mechanics, interrupt and track the interrupt rotation/availability, stun, move in to knockup mobs, position smartly based on how people move for los, and track everyones frame for available defensives so you can use CDs appropriately.
You could argue you can just kick back and that it’s easy if you’re doing content the group is way overgeared for, but that goes for all 3 roles then.
I have no idea where and how you got that out of my post…
Edit: never mind I get it…
There are defs off the cooldown usually ones that lower % of the dmg taken. I was talking about using hard immunes that disrupt damage to let the healer catch up. Rather then using them for a second to ignore a mechanic.
I wish you would top the DPS meter. I’ve been in runs where I outdps people as a tank. I’ve been in runs where I’ve outdps the tank as a healer. I’ve seen enhancement shamans do 700k overall DPS at 625 ilvl or die over and over again on bosses to swirlies.
Not to mention all the times I’ve watched DKs and monks not hit their defensive against Grim Batol corrupt, or the amount of people who get hit by umbral wind despite the tank putting the dragon on the corner so it’s avoidable.
As the weeks drag on people are getting their alta to +10s and they don’t know how to play them at all.
you say this and yet… 9 SV, first boss, pally (also key holder) would horsey into the spikes. drop to5%, then WOG himself back up, all while having a laser on himself.
I play mostly healers and exclusively in pugs. Not at a super high level, I maxed out at 7s and 8s this season but I usually get my keystone master in a given season. Many many years played and I have never felt this stressed out running dungeons…and it didnt seem to get any better even after I learned all the boss mechanics so I gave up. Easier crests doesn’t move the bar for me. Its just not fun.
There are lots of reasons out there why the season turned out this way but one of the biggest ones I don’t see mentioned enough is the change to interrupt mechanics. I think for PUG groups, it made life alot more difficult when stuns no longer work and everyone kicks the same cast and goes on CD. It sucks trying to save the group when important spells go off and not really having the toolkit to pull it off due to the tank/healer nerfs. I frequently get into groups where this can happen pull after pull. It’s terrible.
I switched to disc because I knew I’d get in groups faster than my rogue and got KSH pretty easily. Maybe because it’s the strongest, or at least top 2, in M+ right now but it’s a blast imo. I get maybe 1 bad group out of every 12 where the group is too bad to even complete it.
they gutted the hell out of tanks and people applauded them. probably the same idiots who complained and cried that people were able to speedrun dungeons in early access lol
As the perspective of someone who tanks mid keys and healed low keys in DF, I think the issue is that healers need more throughput.
Maybe mana management should be more integral to healing playstyles, but heals should actually heal people. Heals feel kind of weak and rely very heavily on other players coordinating their defensives properly, which is not often going to be the case.
Being a healer is kind of frustrating because you feel like you don’t have a lot of control over a given situation. If a DPS falls over faster than your synapses can physically receive the information, there’s nothing that can be done.
I honestly tried tanking but I’m just not good at it. I wanted to try tanking on my Monk, but I could not find a single video that explained how to tank to a complete novice. Every video I played explained the changes in the current expansion and how all these things affected different talents but they made all kinds of assumptions that you had already tanked before and you knew why you wanted certain talents to change in certain ways.
These videos all had the same style too. The narrator is live-streaming some raid or dungon in the background, while talking and pasting talent trees over everything so you can’t even see what spells he/she’s casting or anything.
If someone could just explain it to me like I’m in Kindergarden, I might give it a go. What I need is something like “Tanking for Dummies WoW 11.0”