Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

Requesting mail purge

Server: Gehennas (EU)
Character: Boomenz and Kynita

Mail Delete Request

Realm: Firemaw (EU)
Character: Meôwz

Realm: Firemaw (EU)
Character: Miaumiaux

Require Mailbox Purge as well. I waited in queue and there was no mail for me to delete.

Realm: Faerlina
Character: Plaguerising
Class: Deathknight
Level: 75

I want to use Free Character Transfer from Faerlina to Eranikus. Please resolve quickly because I’d like to play the game. I appreciate your help!

Hello, can you please clear mail
Character: Hoppzx
Server: Faerlina

Meôwz didn’t have mail - is on arena teams. You need to log into disband those.

The other had mail - cleared

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Above should be good

Well, there is a long que time right now.
Is it possible for you to remove me from the arena team ?

No Fasfef - we can’t disband teams, touch active auctions or disband guilds


Could you please purge my mailbox? I would like to xfer my toon so I can play with the little free time I have :’(
Dilaudidop - US Benediction

Should be clear

No way :open_mouth: you’re too fast

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are you able to see if Dilaudidop has a realm xfer pending? I went through the process never got a confirmation or anything and now when I try to do it again it says error, figured I’d give it some time

I don’t think these give a confirmation.

Also have a friend who have a lockbox stuck in the mail-box

gehennas EU

Should be good

Please purge mailbox for Satins on EU Gehennas
Thank you.

This is cleared

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would you please purge mailbox for
Szyri Venoxis
and for a friend of mine
Aviurel Venoxis

Can you do this for my character too? I am transferring to Eranikus

Mail Delete Request
Realm: Benediction
Character: Trenchh

Mine aswell pls. Wanna go from Venoxis (EU) to Lakeshire.

Mail Delete Request
Realm: Venoxis
Character: Naribank