Above should be clear
Hello I am from EU and need help with Evíla at Venoxis
still doesnt work
Can u clear for my mainchar aswell
Venoxis: Habibullhdx
Should be clear
Thank you for working so hard, Orlyia!
Please clear my character “Littlesis” and “Itty” (Or just Littlesis if only one is possible)
Server Gehennas - EU
Mailbox purge request for myself because I want to transfer because of queues.
Realm: Venoxis (EU)
Character: Bubatzbirgit
Class: Rogue
Thanks in advance!
Could you clear mailbox of
Darthfarts - Faerlina NA horde
Want to transfer
Would you mind clearing the mailboxes for
Offers - Benediction
Quests - Benediction (AH and mailbox)
Would you mind clearing my mailbox, looking to transfer off and que is currently 8+ hours
Character Name - Cynnis
Realm - Benediction
Class - Warrior
Hello, I was wondering if I could have my character Omgdk have the mail cleared. I’m trying to transfer from Benediction to Eranikus but I think I have the same mailbox issue. Says I got mail when i’ve waited a day and a half and its cleared. Must be poor timed questing haha. I’d really appreciate it, thank you
Omgdk, Benediction, Death Knight
Mailbox purge request for transfer.
Realm: Firemaw EU
Character: Ksoro
Thank you.
Above should be cleared.
We cannot clear active auctions, disband guilds - or arena teams, those have to be logged in to do.
Emogirl - Itty seems already in the transfer process
Mailbox purge request for transfer
Realm: Benediction
Character: Soupbean
Thank you
Cleared, hopefully you don’t still have any active auctions
Mail Delete Request
Realm: Gehennas
Character: Clattymiddin
Arena Team Remove Request
Realm: Gehennas
Character: Boabysands
Note: Not even in an arena team but can’t transfer as it says Must leave arena team first
You have to do that on your own, the SFAs here cannot do that.
Clattymiddin’s mail cleared.
Ravenhawk is correct - we can’t disband your arena team - and it does show that character is in one.
Requesting a mailbox purge.
Character: Wutangklan (70 Druid), Doomfrost (70 Death Knight)
Realm: Benediction
Mail cleared