Mailbox Purge - Active Thread

All should be clear up to here.

May I get a mailbox clear on my toon please,

Realm: Faerlina
Character: Milkmedadie

Thank you

thank you very much, friend <3

Hi can you please purge my mailbox on my shaman on faerlina name is Slowready. Thank you!

Need help with Purge Mailbox on EU server

Charachter Fiishtank
Realm Gehennas (EU)

Can Etiquette on Faerlina get a mailbox purge, please?

Mailbox purge please <3w

Scotlok - Faerlina looking for a purge

Please purge my mailbox so I can transfer this character. I tried yesterday and it said my mailbox was full. It is not. I tried again today. Same thing.

Warcønstruct - Faerlina
Looking for a mailbox purge to transfer, please help! Thanks ahead of time.

Can I get my mailbox purged so I can transfer?

jammalia Faerlina

can u clear my mailbox for server transfer

Can you please purge my mailbox. Gamehenge Faerlina.

For which character(s)? Note, there is some mail from the auction house.

Everyone should be good to this point.

1 Like

Can you clear mail for Neslos on Benediction so I can transfer?

Churchshoes - Faerlina have a mail glitch where I dont actually have mail but it wont let me xfer saying I need to clear mail. Thanks.

mexmanfu sulfuras
please purge mail
cant transfer server

Uddermilk - Faerlina
I have a mail glitch that is preventing me from xfering. Ive waited nearly 24 hours now and no luck.

All clear to here.