Mail, auction house and trade not working

Mail, auction house and trade not working in classic (skullrock). You get an error saying “That action is currently restricted”.


Same, this has been happening over 24hours…why no blue post or update??

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same problem here, submitted ticket and got auto reply, but replied to keep the ticket open. no response yet though ill try to post here if i get a solution

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This wrecked the plans for the weekend. Shouldnt be happening.


Going to be 4 nights by tonight and blizz hasn’t acknowledged it and no fix in site.

I got a full refund for the month subscription by arguing that it is not playable in this state.

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Here’s your Blizzard acknowledgement.

They don’t regard this as a bug. It’s the side effect of implementing a feature. You’ll have to put up with being in economic banishment until a month has passed after your most recent game time payment.

And yet they gave me a refund for the “side effect” for the entire month subscription.

lol so anyone who made a new account cant trade or use the auction house. the only reason i made the new account was because i got suspended for people spam reporting me because they didnt like me…20 day suspension. didnt curse or anything. dude wow. can this company do anything right

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Ar least they did that. Maybe I’m too cynical but I would not have expected that.

Still, if they don’t change policy, you’ll be back to square one the moment you give them your money again, counting down the days until they trust you enough to do business in the game.

Im not even playing on era servers >.<. I’m playing on a classic hardcore server. I don’t understand why SOD rules would still apply when I am not even participating in it.

I suspect the implementation of this plan went wrong on many levels, if that support article accurately describes the developers’ intentions.